9. TFDL Computer Terminals
You walk around the first floor of the TFDL and see that all the computer workstations are taken. You head up to the second floor and manage to grab a workstation right in the middle of the room. You set yourself down, log on and get to work. This is much better than standing at a workstation and gives you lots of time to spend on your assignment.
You’re suddenly feeling a little hungry, so you decide to grab a quick snack downstairs at the cafe. You leave your stuff since you don’t want to carry it, and because you’re worried about losing your spot.
You grab a coffee and snack and sit down to eat it quickly at the cafe. You run into a friend and start chatting. Before you know it, it’s been almost 45 minutes since you decided to take a break! You really need to get back to work.
You head back to your workstation, but someone else is there and all your stuff is gone. Oh no!
“Excuse me,” you ask the person at your former workstation. “Do you know what happened to my stuff? I left it here.”
“Oh, yeah, the library has a policy that you can’t leave workstations unattended for over 30 minutes. This is to keep your stuff safe, but also to make sure that anyone who needs to use a computer can. Your stuff should be at the Service Desk downstairs.”
You head down to the Service Desk and speak to the librarian at the desk. They tell you a bit more about the study space and workstation policy at the library [opens link in new tab], and hand you back your stuff.
You wander around again for awhile, and manage to snag another computer terminal – you won’t be leaving it this time!
You hunker down and finish off your assignment and submit it in time! Yay!