
Chapter 7: How Literacy Affects the Settlement of Immigrant Women


Maria MacMinn Varvos

The settlement challenges and strategies for the success of immigrant women with low first-language literacy (LFLL) skills will be explored in this chapter.

Immigrant women have struggled with settlement and integration with varying levels of success. Their identity is tied to the status they left behind, and the struggle to navigate a new social system is often tied to their capacity to adapt to a highly literate environment. The challenges of integration and settlement are compounded when they need additional English-language and literacy skills.

This chapter will explore the relationship between adult literacy and second-language literacy that relates to settlement and integration. It will review lived experiences, sample program models, case studies, and research studies, and provide interactive reflective practice assignments. These elements will serve as the impetus for learning and skill development in this course.

Specific Learning Outcomes

By the end of this chapter, you should be able to

  1. Integrate knowledge of the challenges of immigrant women with low first-language literacy (LFLL) into your settlement practices
  2. Develop critical problem-solving strategies in clinical practice based on the settlement strategies presented in this chapter
  3. Develop strategies that would meet the needs of immigrant women with low first-language literacy (LFLL).

Introduction to Chapter Study

Section-Specific Learning Outcomes

By the end of this section, you should be able to

  1. Define the terminology that will be used in this chapter
  2. Apply tips for navigating this chapter

Learning Activity 1: Key Terms

Test your knowledge and find out how many terms you already know.

Click Check to find out whether or not your answers were correct, and click Show Solution to see the correct answers.

Tips for Navigating this Chapter

  • Make use of the links to additional information that will expand your reading and understanding of the content; the videos will give you a more personal connection to the content.
  • Start a journal to answer reflective questions. This is especially important if you are taking this course asynchronously.
  • If you are taking this course asynchronously, answer the reflection questions in your journal.