Sources: Personal Finances


[1] USA Today (2005). “Financial Diet” Retrieved from:

[2] Gallager T. J., & and Andrews, J. D. Jr., (2003). Financial Management: Principles and Practice, 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. p. 34, 196.

[3] The 10% rate is not realistic in today’s economic market and is used for illustrative purposes only.

[4] Again, this interest rate is unrealistic in today’s market and is used for illustrative purposes only.

[5] Keown, A. J. (2007). Personal Finance: Turning Money into Wealth, 4th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. p. 23.

[6] AllFinancialMatters (2006). “An Interview with Jonathan Clements – Part 2.”

[7] Gallager T. J., & and Andrews, J. D. Jr., (2003). Financial Management: Principles and Practice, 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. p. 34, 196.

[8] Statistics Canada, Table 1 “Median annual earnings of women and men aged 25 to 64 who worked full time and full year as paid employees, by highest level of education and province or territory, 2015.” Retrieved from

[9] Hansen, K. (2016). “What Good is a College Education Anyway? The Value of a College Education.” Retrieved from:

[10] Hansen, K. (2016). “What Good is a College Education Anyway? The Value of a College Education.” Retrieved from:

[11] Hansen, K. (2016). “What Good is a College Education Anyway? The Value of a College Education.” Retrieved from:

[12] USA Today (2005). “Exercise 1: Start small, watch progress grow.” Retrieved from:

[13] Fetterman, M. (2005). “You’ll be amazed once you fix the leak in your wallet.” Retrieved from:

[14] Ramnarace, C. (2013). “Could you cut your spending in half?” Retrieved from:

[15] Arrington, M. (2008). “Ebay Survey Says Americans Buy Crap They Don’t Want.” Retrieved from:

[16] Robertson, C. (2015). “Credit Score Range – Where Do You Fit In?” Retrieved from:

[17] Gerson, E. S., & Simon, J. M. (2016). “10 Ways Students Can Build Good Credit.” Retrieved from:


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