H5P activities list

This book includes 73 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
41Module 4 Knowledge Self-CheckDrag the Words
42Knowledge Check - Interview SkillsQuestion Set
43Interview expectations videoInteractive Video
44Types of InterviewsAccordion
45Interview StylesDrag the Words
46Research the CompanyDocumentation Tool
47Researching the JobQuestion Set
48What are your weaknesses?Interactive Video
49What are your weaknesses?Documentation Tool
50"Tell me about yourself"Documentation Tool
51Predicting the questionsAccordion
52STAR Framework 2Accordion
53STAR Answer Ordering ExerciseDrag and Drop
54STAR Framework (redux)Documentation Tool
55Questions for the employerAccordion
56Questions for the employerDocumentation Tool
57Illegal QuestionsQuestion Set
58Before the InterviewAccordion
59Non-Verbal BehavioursDrag and Drop
60Communication StylesQuestion Set
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