15 Constraints enhance creativity
One strategy to enhance your creativity is to constrain your resources. One example of this is if you limit yourself in how much time you have to complete a task, you will have to be more creative. The resources that can be constrained may be different as appropriate to the task at hand. Perhaps it is funding, materials or people that need to be limited. This works because of the point of diminishing returns, where too many resources just add to the costs of completing a task and not the benefits of the results.
Some examples:
Working within a limited budget or timeline as opposed to no budget or due dates.
Trying to accomplish a task with a small team of only five people. Have you ever tried to get more than 12 people to agree on the same thing?
One of the reasons for this is when you have more resources available, you have more options that you have to consider and deal with. With the extra time, you often over think things and second guess your earlier decisions. Have you ever found that if you have a day to accomplish a task, it will normally take you the whole day? Could you have completed the same task in just three hours, instead?
Another reason this works is that a little stress in our lives will actually get our creative juices flowing better. It forces us to make decisions sooner and move to the next one without looking back and allowing assumptions to hinder creativity.
Watch this video of an artist that creates a painting in less than 60 seconds.
Super Fast Spray Paint Artist https://youtu.be/dv8kNTH-KDY
There are many forms of creative art that are defined by constrained resources:
- Haiku and Limerick poetry
- Elevator pitches
- Twitter posts that are only 280 characters or less.
- Hint fiction that has stories written in 25 words or less. See also 6 word stories,
- On some of the popular TV talent shows where contestants only have 90 seconds to perform.
- YouTube videos — how many do you watch that are longer than 5 minutes?
- Resumes confined to only two pages. (Most people don’t read beyond the second page.)
- 5 Minute Ignite presentations — View this example on how to buy a car.
4.1.5 Rob Gruhl — How to Buy a New Car — Ignite Seattle 2007 https://youtu.be/pPor5b7JLLE
Here is another example of an Ignite presentation about how to write better.
I have had many experiences where I have had to work under constraints of time, money and other resources. Most of the time, it can really push me out of my comfort zone and be creative in managing the task. Sure, I would prefer to have unlimited resources available, but I know my creativity and productivity would suffer.
What experiences have you had that reinforce this principle?
Try this exercise:
- Write your life story: who you are, what significant life experiences have shaped your character and values. What are your goals and aspiration?
- Now rewrite your story in 100 words. Did you have to use your creative muscles?
- Now rewrite your story again in only 25 words. Did you manage it? Is it better?
- If you thought that was challenging check out the 6-word stories at http://www.sixwordstories.net/ Can you rewrite your story in 6 words? Try it.
- Read this article about the miniskirt theory of writing. Consider how you can improve your writing by following this principle.
Watch the video below about an interesting innovation being implemented under extreme constraints of lack of resources.
Coke Bottle Lights Up Filipino’s Lives — It is just Amazing WOW!!!! https://youtu.be/Q0_4qFrxw_4
Another problem with having too many resources available is that you may fall into the trap of attempting to make something perfect. Resist this! Striving for perfection will kill your productivity and in business, kill your net revenues on projects. I have seen this happen many times when the costs of completing a task/project perfectly quickly exceeded the revenues generated.
The pursuit of excellence is gratifying and healthy. The pursuit of perfection is frustrating, neurotic and a terrible waste of time. — Edwin Bliss
Not everyone agrees with this principle. Some people abuse this principle to push forward tight budgets and defend them by citing this principle but there does need to be enough resources to allow for the creativity to be completed. But how much is enough? Experience and building up knowledge of your craft will help you determine that. Failures will help you learn quickly.
When you have a lot of time to complete a task or project do you use it all to maximum effectiveness?
Could you be a better manage of your time and finances? If you answered no… Really? Can you teach the rest of us how you do that?
The next task or project you undertake, set your own constraints for the resources significantly less than what you have available and push yourself to be creative to get the job done within those limits. This is taking a risk but then you have a fallback, the rest of the resources available. Share with a friend how this worked for you. Did it help you to be more creative and productive?
On a final note, watch this short video about how Sebastian Wernicke summarize 1000 TedTalks in 6 words.