
Chapter 20: High Altitude Physiology: Climbing Earth’s Highest Peak

Phil Ainslie and Joseph Donnelly

Photo 20-1 Mountain in Kananaskis (photo by Brian R. MacIntosh)

Learning Objectives

After reading this Chapter, you will:

  • Describe the effect of high altitude on the oxygen cascade
  • Describe the initial and prolonged effect of high altitude on respiratory, cardiovascular, and metabolic function
  • Describe the limiting factors during exercise at high altitude
  • Discuss pathophysiological effects of high altitude with respect to the central nervous and pulmonary systems
  • Discuss the rationale behind training in the high-altitude environment


Key terms

barometric pressure, hypoxic ventilatory response, hypercapnic ventilatory response, hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction, Alveolar gas equation, alveolar ventilation, oxygen dissociation curve, peripheral chemoreceptors, central chemoreceptors, acid-base balance, Fick equation, ventilation perfusion mismatch, diffusion limitation, Fick principle, erythropoiesis, periodic breathing, acute mountain sickness, high altitude cerebral edema, high altitude pulmonary edema, acclimatization, adaptation.


Case Presentation: Rachel Takes a Sojurn

Through her success with cycling and her Kinesiology studies, it was always clear that Rachel had lofty ambitions. Consistent with this, after completing her second year of University, Rachel decided to try her hand at climbing with the ultimate goal of reaching the top of Mt Everest.

Although very fit from her athletics, she had not spent any time at high altitude and so decided to take a trip to the Nepal Himalaya, to undertake a 15-day trek to Everest Base Camp at around 5300m above sea level. In her summer break, she set aside one month for this trip. At around day 4 (3800m), Rachel – who normally can run very fast before getting puffed, found herself breathless, slowly trekking up a steady incline to the Tengboche monastery. As she continued to trek towards the base of Mt Everest, she noticed many further changes to her body: her resting heart rate was increased; her ability to run was decreased; and her sleep was less restful.

Three days after huffing and puffing her way up to the monastery, Rachel is delighted to reach the mighty Khumbu glacier and Everest base camp. She is interested to find a group of physiologists performing research up at basecamp and quickly volunteers for their studies. She performed various exercise, respiratory, vascular, and blood tests for these researchers.

The next morning, she woke up feeling like she hadn’t even been to sleep and began to feel a little bit nauseous. Over the course of the day, her nausea worsened, and she started to develop a headache. By lunch time, Rachel was in a bad state; she didn’t even feel like eating her beloved Nepali momo’s! Her headache was pounding, she had lost her appetite, and felt like she had no energy.

At this stage, a knowledgeable Sherpa recognized these features as being consistent with Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS). An expedition doctor, resident at Everest base camp, examined Rachel and found a heart rate of 100 bmin-1, BP 120/80 mmHg and a peripheral capillary O2 saturation (SpO2) of 80%. Her lungs were clear to auscultation and despite feeling sick, Rachel was still fully alert. The doctor confirmed the clinical diagnosis of AMS and knowing that the most effective treatment for AMS is to descend to a lower altitude, he advised trekking down with her Sherpa to a village 1000m lower.



Over 400 years ago (1650 AD), Blaise Pascal persuaded his brother-in-law to carry the newly invented mercury barometer to the top of a mountain in central France. In doing so, the pair discovered that barometric pressure (derived from the Greek words Baros meaning ‘weight’, and metron meaning ‘measure’) decreased with increasing altitude. 300 years ago, the composition of the air and the critical importance of oxygen were discovered (Lavoisier 1777). Therefore, it may seem surprising that it was not until 200 years ago that the early balloonists fatally unearthed the disturbing, yet seemingly obvious, truth; ascent to high altitudes can place an enormous stress on the human body – even to the point of causing death (see Table 20-1).

Table 20-Ten important discoveries in high altitude physiology






Invented the mercury barometer



Pressure decreases with increasing altitude



Discovery of oxygen



Zenith balloon mission


Paul Bert

The publication ‘barometric pressure‘ describing, for the first time, the oxygen and carbon dioxide dissociation curves for haemoglobin


Douglas and Haldane

Pikes peak expedition showed the increase in ventilation with hypoxia


T. H Ravenhill

Publishes ‘Some Experiences of Mountain Sickness in the Andes’ in which he describes mountain sickness including pulmonary and cerebral subclassifications


Houston and Riley

Operation Everest 1: showed that it is possible to survive at the barometric pressure of the summit of Everest


Tenzing and Hillary

First ascent of Mt Everest


Messner and Habeler

First ascent of Mt Everest without supplemental oxygen

Subsequent work identified factors other than altitude that can influence barometric pressure including latitude (with higher pressures near the equator), season, temperature, and humidity. Altitude, however, has by far the greatest influence on barometric pressure and the relationships between altitude, barometric pressure, and inspired oxygen pressure are shown in Figure 20-1.

<strong>Fig 20-1 Relationship between barometric pressure and altitude and partial pressure of O<sub>2</sub> and altitude.</strong> Barometric pressure on the left axis (ranging from 0 to 700 mmHg) is plotted against altitude (from sea level to 9000 m). On the right, partial pressure of oxygen is shown, plotted against altitude. Example cities are plotted with their altitude, barometric pressure and partial pressure for O2: Vancouver at sea level is 640 mmHg 100 kPa, and 148 mmHg; Calgary at 1045 m is 82.7 kPa and 132 mmHg, Mount Robson at 3954 m is 62 kPa and 85 mmHg, Mt Everest Base Camp is 5000 m, 53 kPa and 73 mm Hg, Highest permanent human habitation is 6000 m, 44.4 kPa and 52 mmHg and mt Everest Summit is at 8849 m, 33.7 kPa and 40 mm Hg.
Fig 20-1 Relationship between barometric pressure and altitude and partial pressure of O2 and altitude. As altitude increases there is a decline in barometric pressure and inspired partial pressure of oxygen.

This causal chain (increased altitude decreased barometric pressure decreased inspired oxygen pressure) forms the basis for understanding the effects of altitude on the human body. In this chapter we will explore the respiratory, cardiovascular, muscular, haematologic, and neurologic responses to altitude.

Respiratory Response

At sea level, barometric pressure (PB) of the air is approximately 760 mm Hg (Figure 20-1). When this air is inspired into the human airways, it is warmed and moistened with water such that the inspired pressure is 47 mm Hg lower than barometric pressure. The fraction of this inspired air that is oxygen is about 0.2094. Therefore, the pressure of oxygen inspired is given by the product of the fraction of oxygen and the dry inspired air pressure.

This is shown in equation 20-1:

            PI O2= (PB – P H2O )FIO2                        Equation 20-1

Where, PIO2 = partial pressure of inspired oxygen; PB = barometric pressure;- PH2O = water vapour pressure; FIO2 = fraction of inspired oxygen.

When we ascend to altitude, our inspired oxygen pressures (PIO2) decrease on account of the decreased barometric pressure. The water vapour pressure and the fraction of oxygen in the air are, however, constant across altitudes for a given relative humidity. The journey of oxygen molecules from the ambient air to where they are finally used is long and arduous. This path that oxygen must follow is known as the oxygen cascade and can be used as a framework to help understand the effects of high altitude on the respiratory, cardiovascular, and haematologic systems and how they respond during exercise.

Oxygen cascade

Let us consider our friend, Rachel. Before embarking on her trek, at UBC Vancouver (sea level) her PIO2 is approximately 150 mm Hg (Figure 20-2). Her alveolar PO2 is considerably lower than this and is determined by the balance of oxygen removal by pulmonary capillaries and oxygen replenishment by ventilation. At sea level and with resting ventilation, her alveolar PO2 is approximately 100 mm Hg; giving a drop from the pharynx to the alveoli of 50 mm Hg. Between her alveolae and the pulmonary blood there is a further decrease of approximately 5-10 mm Hg owing to V̇:mismatch, imperfect diffusion, and some shunt. Across the tissues the PO2 drops further according to the oxygen uptake of the specific tissues.

The oxygen cascade is the falling partial pressure of oxygen as you go from ambient to moistened inspiratory air to alveolar air to arterial blood then across the capillary beds to mixed venous blood. Here, the values for partial pressure of O<sub>2</sub> is plotted for these locations: for sea level, and 5300 m altitude with and without compensation. Values for sea level are: 160 mmHg for ambient, 150 mm Hg for moist inspired, 100 mm Hg for alveolar, 95 mm Hg for arterial, and 40 mm Hg for mixed venous. Values for 5300 m altitude without compensation are: 87 mm Hg for ambient, 79 for moist inspired, 27 for alveolar and 22 for arterial. With physiological compensation (increased ventilation and increased cardiac output), values for ambient and moist inspired are not changed, but arterial moves up to 40 mm Hg and arterial is 35. Mixed venous is 30.
Figure 20-2 PO2 values from inspired air to mixed venous blood at sea level and at 5300m, with (red line) and without (green line) compensatory changes. Note the dangerously lowPO2 in the alveoli and arterial blood when these compensatory changes are not made. Note that it is impossible to remove as much O2 from the arterial blood at 5300m as was removed at sea level unless physiological compensation occurs.

The situation at altitude is, however, different. For example, when Rachel is up at Everest base camp (~5300m); the barometric pressure is 420mm Hg, which yields a PIO2 of 78 mm Hg. Let us now consider the hypothetical situation that would occur if Rachel had no respiratory, cardiovascular, or haematologic changes. In this hypothetical situation, the difference between inspired and alveolar PO2 (determined by the balance between ventilation and pulmonary O2 uptake) would not change from sea level (50 mm Hg), giving an alveolar PO2 of 28 mm Hg and hence an arterial PO2 of ~ 23 mm Hg, a remarkably low value that is probably incompatible with life. Luckily for Rachel, her body does respond to this reduced oxygen environment with significant respiratory, cardiovascular, and haematologic changes that make life at this altitude possible. We will now consider each step along the oxygen cascade in a little more detail.

Inspired to Alveolar Partial Pressure of Oxygen

As one might have guessed, the respiratory system responds to the decrease in oxygen levels at high altitude with an increase in ventilation. This increase in ventilation acts to increase the pressure of oxygen in the alveoli. When we increase ventilation, however, it is not only the oxygen levels in the alveoli that change; an increase in ventilation causes a decrease in alveolar CO2 pressure (PACO2).

Because nearly all the CO2 at the end of expiration is due to the body’s production of CO2 (i.e, the contribution of inspired ambient CO2 can be ignored), the amount of CO2 that is removed (or produced) by the body will be equal to the ventilation  multiplied by the fraction of CO2 in the exhaled breath. This fraction of CO2 can be converted to a pressure by way of a conversion factor K:

                   V̇CO2 = A(K-1)                          Equation 20-2a

Rearranged, this gives the ventilation equation.

                 PACO2 = CO2A -1K                              Equation 20-2b

Where PACO2, is the alveolar PCO2, V̇CO2 is the body production of CO2 in L⋅min-1 (normally ~ 200 ml/min at rest), A is alveolar  ventilation in L⋅min-1 (equal to the total ventilation minus the dead space ventilation; see chapter 7 and K is a constant (0.863) necessary to equate dissimilar units for CO2 (ml⋅min-1) and A (Lmin-1) to PACO2 pressure units (mm Hg). The ventilation equation is useful to us, because it highlights the inverse relation between PACO2 and A; a doubling of ventilation will halve the alveolar PCO2  or halving the A will double the PACO2.

How does an increase in ventilation  affect alveolar O2 pressure? Intuitively, the alveolar PO2 will depend upon the pressure of inspired O2. Alveolar   will also depend on the ventilation; the higher the ventilation, the more oxygen there will be in the alveoli. Because we have already seen that ventilation is inversely proportional to PACO2, we can appreciate that the lower the PaCO2, the higher the alveolar PO2 will be. Thus, alveolar PO2 is directly proportional to the PIO2 and inversely proportional to the  PCO2.

Because the relationship between and CO2 production is not 1 (i.e for each mole of oxygen consumed, approximately 0.8 moles of CO2 is produced – the respiratory exchange ratio, R), we cannot simply assume that the decrease in PaCO2, with an increase in ventilation  will equal the increase in PaO2. The rise in PO2  in the alveolar gas with an increase in ventilation will be greater (in accordance with the respiratory exchange ratio) than the decrease in PCO2 in the alveolar gas. These relations can be summarized in the alveolar gas equation:

         PAO2 = PIO2 – PACO2⋅R-1 +F                            Equation 20-3a

Where F is a correction factor usually equal to about 2 mm Hg and can therefore be ignored.

We observed before that if no physiological adaptation took place with high altitude, on exposure to 5300m, Rachel’s alveolar PO2  would drop to ~28 mm Hg; an extremely low and dangerous value. However, Rachel’s ventilation at 5300m would be expected to increase by ~75% (i.e. from 10 L⋅min-1 to 17.5 L⋅min-1), which according to the ventilation equation would result in alveolar PCO2  of approximately ~25 mm Hg (assuming no change in CO2 production).

           PAO2 = PIO2 – PaCO2 ⋅R-1                         Equation 20-3b

PAO2= 78-25/0.8 = 46.75 mm Hg

Using this example of Rachel, with and without hyperventilation, we can see that hyperventilation increases alveolar PO2 by approximately 12 mm Hg (28-40 mm Hg), making it possible for humans to live at high altitude. The increase in ventilation with high altitude exposure is obviously a very important means for increasing the oxygen pressure in the blood and indeed represents probably the most important adaptation to the high-altitude environment in the acute setting. The increase in oxygen pressure by this hyperventilation increases the binding of oxygen to haemoglobin in accordance with the oxygen dissociation curve. This is discussed further below. The mechanisms controlling this increase in ventilation will be also discussed later in this chapter.

Alveolar to Arterial PO2

We saw above that Rachel’s alveolar PO2 at 5300m is ~42 mm Hg, and this drops to about 35 mm Hg in the arterial blood. Before considering the reason for the drop in PO2 between the alveoli and the arterial blood, we will review the anatomy of this junction.

Between the alveolar spaces and the pulmonary capillaries is an exceedingly thin space over which oxygen is transferred to the blood and carbon dioxide is transferred to the alveolar space. Diffusion across this barrier was described in chapter 7 and is affected by many different variables as dictated by Fick’s law of diffusion. Diffusion of gas across a membrane is directly proportional to the tissue area of exposure (A), the pressure gradient across the membrane (P1-P2), and the diffusion constant for the particular gas (D) and is inversely proportional to the thickness of the membrane (T). The diffusion constant is in turn directly proportional to the solubility of the gas and inversely proportional to the square root of the molecular weight of the gas.

These relations can be summarized in the following 2 equations:

                  Vgas = (A/T)D(P1-P2)                 Equation 20-4a

                                D = sol ⋅MW                     Equation 20-5

The diffusion constant for CO2 is considerably higher than for O2, meaning that diffusion limitation of CO2 is not a problem in humans. The diffusion constant for CO2 is much greater than O2 owing to its far greater solubility in tissues.

Because it is usually not possible to measure the surface area and thickness of the alveolar capillary membrane in humans, the equation is often rewritten as

                      Vgas= DL (P1-P2)                           Equation 20-4b

Where DL combines the factors of surface area, thickness, and diffusion constant.

Therefore, it can be appreciated that: thickening of the alveolar capillary membrane, decreased surface area for diffusion, or a decrease in pressure gradient across the membrane could contribute to a decrease in pulmonary gas exchange.

In addition to properties of the alveolar-capillary interface, it has been shown that diffusion will depend upon how easily molecules through the pulmonary capillary blood and how avidly the red blood cells and haemoglobin molecules will take up oxygen. In situations where a haemoglobin molecule has a very high affinity for O2 (i.e at high altitude on the steep portion of the oxygen dissociation curve), diffusion of oxygen across the alveolar-capillary membrane becomes rate limiting in a process known as ‘diffusion limitation.’ This diffusion limitation is especially apparent during exercise at high altitude (see below).

This diffusion limitation can be shown by modelling the uptake of oxygen in the red blood cells transiting the alveolar-capillary interface (Figure 20-3). It can be appreciated that at sea level, by the time the red blood cells reach approximately 1/3 of the way across the capillary, the PO2  is about equal to the alveolar value (~100 mm Hg). At high altitude, there are three factors that contribute to a lack of equilibration between alveolar and pulmonary capillaary PO2. These are: the decreased driving force (P1-P2), reduced transit time due to increased cardiac output and the high affinity of  haemoglobin for oxygen (steep part of oxygen dissociation curve). The PO2 in the capillary blood never reaches that of the alveolus, even at the end of transit.


A drawing over a graph illustrates an alveolar space, represented by a dome with an airway attached and a capillary across the bottom. The graph illustrates the change in PO2 as blood moves through the capillary. The axis on the left shows capillary PO2 in mm Hg. The x axis shows capillary transit time from zero to 0.75 s. A solid line representing rest at sea level shows a rapid rise in PO2 from below 50 mm Hg to nearly 100 mm Hg, reaching this peak by about .25 of the distance through the capillary. Another solid line representing rest at 5000 m shows a slower increase in PO2, from below 25 mm Hg to about 48 mm Hg, reaching the peak before half way through the capillary. During exercise, shown with dashed lines, PO2 increases from below 50 mm Hg to just below 100 mm Hg at sea level. This upper value is achieved a little slower than at rest, but still before 0.5 of the way through the capillary. At altitude, the dashed line representing exeer]cise increases slowly from below 25 mm Hg to about 36 mm Hg, well below the level achieved at rest.
Figure 20-3 Changes in capillary PO2 and transient time at rest (solid lines)  and during exercise (dashed lines) at sea level (black line) and 5000m (blue line). At sea level (rest and exercise) and during rest at 5000m, blood is in the capillary long enough to achieve approximate equilibrium with alveolar PO2. However, during exercise at 5000m, the transit time of blood through the capillaries is too rapid to allow equilibrium, leading to a suppressed PaO2. Therefore, pulmonary diffusion is a major factor limiting oxygen transport during aerobic exercise at high altitude.

Other factors thought to contribute to widening of the Alveolar arterial gradient at high altitude are ventilation perfusion mismatch (caused by sub clinical pulmonary edema; see below) and opening of intra pulmonary shunts.

Arterial to Mixed Venous PO2 Difference

The difference between the arterial and venous PO2 is the final step in the oxygen cascade and is due to the extraction of oxygen from the systemic capillaries. This extraction of oxygen is dependent upon cardiac output, the metabolic rate, and the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. The mixed venous PO2 is strictly defined as the PO2 in the blood draining all systemic tissues including the myocardium and is therefore measured in the pulmonary artery. It can be viewed as the average tissue oxygenation throughout the whole body and as such all the compensatory adaptations at altitude act to increase PO2 towards sea level values.

The uptake of oxygen by a given tissue (V̇O2 in mlmin-1) can be defined as the product of two variables:

  • the difference in oxygen content between the arterial blood supplying the tissue and the venous blood draining the tissue
  • the blood flow through the tissue. When the body is considered as a whole, blood flow through the tissue is the cardiac output.
  • Pv̅O2

This relation is known as the Fick principle and can be defined as:

               V̇O2 = C(a-v̅)O2Q̇                        Equation 20-6a

Where O2 is in mLmin-1; C(a-v̅)O2 is the difference in oxygen content between arterial and mixed venous blood, and is the cardiac output.

This can be rearranged to:

            C(a-v̅)O2 = O2 1                 Equation 20-6b

And because CaO2 is related to [Hb] and (via the oxygen dissociation curve; denoted by a factor – k) to PO2  this can be further rearranged to:

        (a-)PO2[Hb]k = O2∙Q̇-1                      Equation 20-6c


             (a-)PO2 = O2∙Q̇-1∙(k [Hb])-1             Equation 20-6d

Therefore it can be appreciated that the difference between the arterial and venous PO2 at high altitude is directly proportional to the metabolic rate of the tissues, and inversely proportional to the cardiac output and [Hb].

At high altitude, Rachel’s resting V̇O2 is approximately 250 mlmin-1, approximately equal to that at sea level. Her resting cardiac output and [Hb] are both increased. The net effect is that Rachel’s A-PO2 at high altitude is decreased. During exercise the O2 of the muscles and the whole body are increased leading to an increase in A-PO2. The cardiovascular response to exercise will be discussed after the control of ventilation is considered.

Control of Ventilation at High Altitude

Central Chemoreceptors

As reviewed in chapter 7, the control of breathing at rest involves detection of oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the body by sensors, a relaying of this signal to the central controller in the brainstem, and efferent output from this central controller to the muscles of respiration.

At sea level, the main chemical controller of breathing is the partial pressure of CO2. This CO2 acts indirectly via H+ ion at mainly the central chemoreceptor in the medulla but also at the peripheral chemoreceptor at the carotid body.

The central chemoreceptors are a group of neurons that lie in the medulla and respond to changes in hydrogen ion concentration in the surrounding extracellular fluid (ECF) to bring about a change in ventilation. An increase in H+ concentration stimulates breathing whilst a decrease inhibits breathing. Because the blood brain barrier is relatively impermeable to hydrogen ions, the major contributor to brain ECF hydrogen ion concentration in the arterial blood is PCO2 (not H+) that diffuses into the brain ECF is hydrated to carbonic acid and then to H+ ions that stimulate the central chemoreceptors to increase ventilation.

The sensitivity of the body to changes in CO2 can be determined experimentally by increasing the pressure of CO2 in the arterial blood (i.e. by breathing a 5% CO2 gas mixture) and measuring the resultant increase in ventilation using a spirometer.

            Ventilatory CO2 sensitivity = ΔE ⋅ ΔPaCO2-1                Equation 20-7


E is the ventilation (Lmin-1); and PaCO2, is the partial pressure of CO2 in the arterial blood.

When the ventilation is measured at multiple levels of arterial PaCO2,  a hypercapnic ventilatory response curve (HCVR) can be constructed as shown on Figure 20-4.


This figure is a graph with ventilation in litres per min (BTPS) on the y axis and partial pressure of carbon dioxide in mm Hg on the x axis. Several lines are on the graph, representing different duration of stay at altitude. To the far right with PCO<sub>2</sub>increasing from 34 mm Hg to 50 mm Hg ventilation increases from 5 l/min to 45 l/min. Increasing carbon dioxide results in increased ventilation. A little to the left of this is the response to CO2 on first moving to altitude (4340 m). Here, ventilation increases from 8 l/min at 27 mm HG to 42 l/min at 36 mm Hg. One day later, ventilation rises with more sensitivity to CO<sub>2</sub>; ventilation increases from 8 l/min to 42 l/min. After 5 days, ventilation increases from 11 l/min to 58 l/min when CO<sub>2</sub> is increased from 26 mm Hg to 35 mm Hg. This progression occurs after 9, and 17 days at altitude until after 20 days, ventilation increases from 12 l/min at PCO<sub>2</sub> = 24 mm Hg to 70 l/min with a PCO<sub>2</sub> of 34 mm Hg.
Figure 20-4 Hypercapnic ventilatory response at sea level and over time at high altitude (4340 m on White Mountain, Colorado, USA). Numbers represent days spent at high altitude. Note that the ventilation vs PaCO2, curves are shifted leftwards and become steeper with time spent at this elevation – forming an example of elevations in the ventilatory response to hypercapnia.

At high altitude, the ventilatory CO2 sensitivity is increased leading to a steepening of the HCVR. In addition, the PaCO2, at which ventilation will be stimulated is decreased resulting in a leftward shift in the HCVR (Fan and Burgess et al., 2010). Because the ventilatory response to CO2 is predominantly at the central chemoreceptors (rather than the peripheral chemoreceptors; see chapter 10 on control of breathing), we can conclude that at high altitude the central chemoreceptors are more sensitive to changes in PCO2 and will increase ventilation at lower levels of CO2. Potential mechanisms explaining this ‘resetting’ of the HCVR are still under debate.

Peripheral Chemoreceptors

The peripheral chemoreceptors lie in the carotid sinus and aortic body. These receptors are highly vascular and respond rapidly to changes in oxygen partial pressure but also to a lesser degree, to changes H+ and CO2.

When exposed to low levels of ambient oxygen partial pressure, ventilation increases by a process known as the hypoxic ventilatory response (see Figure 20-5). From Figure 20-5 it can be seen that the ventilatory response to hypoxia is not linear; between alveolar partial pressures of oxygen of 500 and 50 mm Hg, the ventilatory response is relatively stable with only a minor increase in ventilation., whereas, below an alveolar PO2 of 50 mm Hg ventilation increases steeply, especially if alveolar PCO2 is held constant. Interestingly, 50 mm Hg lies at the point on the oxygen dissociation curve where saturation begins to fall steeply, and therefore the steepening of the hypoxic ventilatory response can be seen as a mechanism that attempts to keep the PO2 on to the flat portion of the oxygen dissociation curve.

This is a graph that illustrates the relationship between Alveolar PO<sub>2</sub> and resting ventilation. As you go up a mountain and altitude increases, resting ventilation will increase. When alveolar PO<sub>2</sub> decreases from 140 to 60 mm Hg, the increase in resting ventilation is small, increasing from 6 l/min to 12 l/min. Further decreases in PAO2 result in progressively more increase in ventilation, reaching 30 l/min at a PAO<sub>2</sub> of 32 mm Hg. Further changes in PAO<sub>2</sub> will result in severe changes in resting ventilation, such that when PAO<sub>2</sub> reaches 25 mm Hg, resting ventilation will be in excess of 120 l/min.
Figure 20-5 Relationship between resting ventilation and progressive reductions in alveolar PO2. This relationship is called the hypoxic ventilatory response. Note that it is not until alveolar PO2 is reduced to below 50mmHg that ventilation starts to increase.

Integrated Ventilatory Response to High Altitude

Acute exposure to high altitude results in a decrease in alveolar PO2 and therefore arterial partial pressure of oxygen as described above. This decrease in partial pressure of oxygen results in stimulation of the peripheral chemoreceptors (predominantly at the carotid sinus) with a resultant increase in ventilation. This initial increase in ventilation (the hypoxic ventilatory response) decreases PCO2  and increases PO2 in the alveolar gas according to the ventilation and gas equations.

The decrease in arterial PCO2  (and consequent increase in arterial – respiratory alkalosis) acts to inhibit the peripheral chemoreceptor. In addition, because CO2 is freely diffusible across the blood brain barrier, a decrease in cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) CO2 occurs, thus raising CSF and brain ECF.  causing inhibition at the central chemoreceptors. Both of these effects act to return ventilation back towards sea level values.

However, over a period of hours to days at high altitude the body compensates for the respiratory alkalosis by increasing bicarbonate excretion in the kidney and increasing bicarbonate removal from the ECF by the choroid plexus. Thus the inhibition at the central and peripheral chemoreceptors is removed and the ventilation once again increases.

Cardiovascular response

Along with the respiratory changes described above, the cardiovascular system reacts and adapts to the high-altitude environment. The cardiovascular response is important as it acts to transport the oxygen from the pulmonary capillaries to the systemic capillaries of the target tissues and from the discussion of the oxygen cascade above, cardiovascular variables determine the drop in PO2 from the arterial to the venous blood. Three major cardiovascular variables will be considered below: cardiac output and its constituents (heart rate and stroke volume), pulmonary pressures, and mean arterial pressures.

Cardiac Output

One of the things that Rachel noticed when she was at high altitude was that her resting heart rate, which was usually around 45 beats per minute, had increased to about 70 beats per minute. This increase in heart rate results in an increased cardiac output (because stroke volume is unaffected by acute hypoxia). Increased cardiac output is useful because it maintains oxygen delivery in the face of a decreased arterial PO2. The increase in heart rate is mediated through an increase in sympathetic outflow resulting from hypoxic stimulation of the peripheral chemoreceptors.

With chronic exposure to high altitude, cardiac beta adrenoceptors down-regulate resulting in a decrease in resting HR back towards, but never reaching, sea level values.

Stroke volume is consistently decreased with chronic exposure to high altitude. A decrease in stroke volume can be caused by either a decrease in contractile ability (increased end systolic volume), or a decrease in ventricular filling (decreased end diastolic volume). Evidence from echocardiographic studies have confirmed that at high altitude, there are no changes in end- systolic volume (contractile ability) and a consistent decrease in end-diastolic volume (ventricular filling).

A decrease in end diastolic volume at altitude can be accounted for by a decrease in plasma volume (as discussed below) and subsequent decrease in ventricular filling. Another factor contributing to the decrease in left ventricular end diastolic volume at high altitude could be right ventricular dilation and subsequent impaired filling of the left ventricle.

The net result of these changes is that cardiac output decreases back towards sea level values with time at altitude.

Systemic Blood Pressure

Mean arterial pressure is the product of cardiac output and total peripheral resistance. We have already seen that at rest, cardiac output is increased during both acute and chronic hypoxia, in a process. To understand the effect of hypoxia on MAP we will also need to consider the effect of hypoxia on the contractile state of the blood vessels – the total peripheral resistance.

Hypoxia stimulates peripheral chemoreceptors , which in turn increases sympathetic neural activity. This increase in sympathetic nervous activity would normally lead to norepinephrine release in the walls of systemic arterioles and constrictive effect. However, reduced oxygen content in the blood causes arteriolar dilation. The balance between these dilator and constrictor forces determines the total peripheral resistance. For example, if local reduced oxygen content and dilation outweighs sympathetically mediated constriction, then a decreased total peripheral resistance will result. If on the other hand, the sympathetically mediated constriction outweighs the local reduced oxygen content mediated dilation, then an increase in total peripheral resistance will occur.

Acute exposure to high altitude causes a decrease in total peripheral resistance and increase in cardiac output leading to a slightly decreased mean arterial pressure. Chronic exposure to high altitude leads to an increase in total peripheral resistance and an increase in cardiac output (compared to sea level), leading to an increase in mean arterial pressure.

These effects are summarized in Table 20-2.

Table 20-2  Cardiovascular variables at high altitude

Sea level

Acute Exposure to 5000m

Chronic Exposure to 5000m

HR (bpm)




SV (mL)




Cardiac output (Lmin-1)




MAP (mm Hg)




RAP (mm Hg)




TPR (mm HgL-1min-1)




Pulmonary pressure mean (mm Hg)




PVR (mm HgL-1min-1)




Pulmonary Pressure

The most striking change in the cardiovascular system is probably the increase in pulmonary artery pressure. This increase in pressure is caused by alveolar hypoxia in a process called vasoconstriction (HPV).

Analogous to in the systemic arteries, mean arterial pressure is determined by the product of the right ventricular cardiac output and the peripheral resistance of the pulmonary system. Therefore, to understand the changes in pulmonary arterial pressure, we need to consider the changes to the pulmonary vascular resistance, and the cardiac output. As discussed above, cardiac output increases with acute high-altitude exposure, and then decreases to a level still above sea level values. Interestingly, in response to alveolar hypoxia  the pulmonary vessels constrict causing an increase in pulmonary vascular resistance. As a result of both the increase in cardiac output and pulmonary vascular resistance, high altitude causes an increase in mean pulmonary arterial pressure.

This HPV in many situations can be seen as a beneficial physiological response because it can act to increase ventilation-perfusion matching. Alveoli that are poorly ventilated will be relatively hypoxic and therefore the adjacent pulmonary vasculature will constrict, meaning that less blood flow is through poorly ventilated alveoli and more blood flow will be redirected towards the better ventilated alveoli (those units with no alveolar hypoxia).

Another example where hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction response is imperative is in the transition of the fetal circulation to life outside the uterus. In utero, the function of gas exchange is provided by the placenta and as such the lungs are non-functional. Oxygenated blood is diverted from going through the lungs via the combined action of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction and a patent ductus arteriosus (a conduit between the pulmonary artery and the aortic arch). When the baby takes its first breath, the alveoli are filled with oxygen rich air, hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction is released allowing for essential pulmonary blood flow and thus gas exchange.

Unlike the situations of local hypoxia and transition of the fetal to neonatal circulation, during the situation of high altitude the response is largely deleterious. With hypoxia in all alveolar- capillary units, widespread vasoconstriction  occurs resulting in an increase in pulmonary artery pressure. If the increase in pulmonary artery pressure is too great, stress induced damage to the pulmonary vessels may occur leading to the condition high altitude pulmonary edema. If this increased pulmonary artery pressure is sustained, it can cause right ventricular failure with significant morbidity and mortality.

Highlight box- How long until Everest is ‘unclimbable’ without supplemental oxygen?

The Italian climber, the Duke of Abruzzi, at the turn of the last century completed an “oxygenless” ascent to 7500 m in the Karakoram despite ominous predictions by the British Alpine Club, “ . . .21 500 ft (6553 m) is near the limit at which man ceases to be capable of slightest further exertion” (West, 1998). Naturally, it was not long before attention turned towards Mt Everest, which in 1892 had been declared the highest mountain in the world. Mountaineers were irrevocably drawn to the ultimate challenge, and, in 1924, Edward Norton (1884–1954) ascended to within 300 m of its summit without supplementary O2, a remarkable feat eclipsed by the untimely deaths of George Mallory and Andrew Irvine some two days later. These courageous attempts motivated a series of pioneering studies by Rodolfo Margaria (1901– 1983) and Joseph Barcroft (1872–1947), who subsequently concluded that an oxygenless ascent of Mt Everest would not be possible (Barcroft and Douglas et al., 1931). However, the legendary ascent by Reinhold Messner and Peter Habeler in 1978 overcame these previous negative predictions; the last 3% of Mt Everest had finally been conquered 54 years after Norton’s initial bid, having claimed no fewer than 39 lives in the process. Messner’s quote on reaching the top clearly establishes that the summit of Mt Everest was tantalizingly close to the limits of human tolerance, “. . .Now, after the hours of torment . . . I have nothing more to do than breathe . . .I am nothing more than a single, narrow, gasping lung, floating over the mists and the summits.” (Messner, 1979). By 1986, Messner had confirmed his place in mountaineering history having climbed all 14 of the 8000 m peaks without supplementary O2.

Seasonal variations in barometric pressure at these extreme altitudes have a major impact on systemic O2 transport and are thus of considerable physiological significance. Previous theoretical calculations have identified that a mere 4 mm Hg decrease in summit barometric pressure would reduce a climber’s predicted O2max by about 10%. These small but critical reductions in PO2 likely reflect why Everest was only summited without oxygen some 25 years after its first ‘summer’ ascent, a remarkable feat that was achieved on 22 December 1987 by Sherpa, Ang Rita.

The physiological significance of these achievements came to light in the early 1980’s when two landmark studies (West and Boyer et al., 1983; Sutton and Reeves et al., 1988) measured the

V̇O2max  of healthy volunteers on the summit at a mere 1.07–1.17 Lmin-1 or 15 mlkg-1min-1. These maximal energy expenditures are comparable to those typically observed in exercising patients with congestive heart failure or in patients following heart transplantation, albeit 5.5 miles lower at sea level! Furthermore, the geographical location of Mt Everest at a latitude of 28°N results in a barometric pressure that is considerably higher than if it were located near one of the poles. Without this “equatorial bulge” a climber would not be able to summit without supplementary O2 (West and Wagner, 1980). It is, however, known that the physical challenge of climbing Mt Everest without supplementary O2 is becoming more difficult as the summit appears to be increasing in height at a rate of 3 cm⋅year-1 and steadily moving northeastward at 6 cm⋅year-1. This is a consequence of it being located on the great fault system, which continues to push India under Nepal and China thus creating the Himalayas. These facts raise the question of how much longer an “oxygenless” ascent will remain physiological possible?

Messner’s total body mass including equipment was reported to be 74 kg, which at an ascent rate of 2 m⋅min-1 during the last 100 m of the climb would have resulted in a output close to 150 kgm-1min-1. Estimations suggest that a submaximal effort would have required a V̇O2max  of approximately 3.5 METs (1 MET = 3.5 mlkg-1min-1) (West and Wagner, 1980). Assuming a constant growth rate of 3 cmyear-1 and (2011) height of 8868.92 m, a climber with a O2max of 3.5 METs would therefore have to make their assault on the summit during the summer months before about 39 460 AD. A winter ascent would need to be launched before 29 107 AD. By about 104 167 AD, a climber’s O2max on the summit would equate to their basal metabolic rate measured at sea level, emphasizing the futility of any summit bid!


High Altitude Illness: Acute Mountain Sickness, and High-Altitude Cerebral Edema

Acute Mountain Sickness

In the case presentation, Rachel became progressively more ill about 12 hours after arriving at Everest base camp. Her predominant symptoms were headache, malaise, decreased appetite, and nausea. These constitute the classic symptoms of acute mountain sickness. Even despite being in excellent physical condition (O2max = 62 mlkg-1min-1), and taking a slow and careful ascent profile, she developed these distressing symptoms. Her experienced Sherpa guide quickly recognized what was going on and the mountain doctor prescribed the most effective and simple treatment, immediate descent.

Acute mountain sickness (AMS) is a self-limiting condition affecting a large proportion of previously healthy men and women who ascend to high altitude. The incidence depends upon both the absolute altitude and the rate of ascent such that below an altitude of 2000m, AMS is rare, and above 5000m, AMS is almost universal. Because the rate of ascent is an important factor, AMS is particularly an issue in places where rapid ascent to high altitude by aircraft, cable car, or railway is possible such as at ski resorts and some villages in South America and the Himalaya.

Early reports of the altitude related illness date back centuries, but a clear report of the illness was not documented until the British Doctor, TH Ravenhill in the early 20th century, published his observations of illness in a high-altitude population. As a medical officer serving in a Chilean high-altitude mining company, he observed an illness of headache and tiredness, which he correctly attributed to altitude.


The predominant symptom of AMS is a headache and indeed the current diagnostic criteria requires a headache to be present for the diagnosis to be made. Other symptoms include anorexia, malaise, nausea, vomiting, and sleep disturbance. The onset of symptoms normally occurs at approximately half a day after ascent to a high altitude and persists for no more than 5 days. Physical examination may be unremarkable, however, fever, inspiratory crackles, and low SpO2 may be present.


Although AMS is nearly universal if ascent is sufficiently rapid, and altitude is sufficiently high, there are a number of other factors that make AMS more likely. Factors making AMS more likely are: previous AMS, low oxygen saturations, blunted hypoxic ventilatory response, and exercise (Richalet and Larmignat et al.,(2012). Factors with no apparent effect on AMS include aging, V̇O2max and hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction response.


The mechanisms underlying AMS are related to hypoxia but the fact that symptoms do not occur immediately (in contrast to the hypoxia, which occurs immediately) indicates that hypoxia initiates a series of events that ultimately result in AMS. Proposed mechanisms include fluid retention, increased microvascular permeability, and raised intracranial pressures (Figure 20-6).


see figure caption for a description. This figure uses a series of boxes to illustrate the changes that result in acute mountain sickness. The top two boxes represent hypoxia and exercise. This combination results in increased hypoxemia (the box below the first two). An arrow from this box goes to a box on the left in the next row of boxes, this one showing increased cerebral blood flow and increase cerebral blood volume. Two arrows exit this box, one to the right to a box indicating increased capillary permeability and one downward to a box indicating increased brain swelling. The box illustrating increased capillary permeability has an arrow to increased blood brain barrier permeability. From here, there is an arrow downwards to a box labeled cerebral edema. Cerebral edema is accumulation of fluid between the cells of the brain. This box has an arrow to brain swelling, indicating this is simply an alternative pathway to this consequence. Brain swelling has two consequences, illustrated by an arrow to the left and another to the right. On the left are 3 boxes, one of the other. The top one says "large" decrease in
Figure 20-6. Pathophysiology of AMS. In this model, the initial stress is hypoxemia. Hypoxemia is translated through a series of cellular, molecular and physiological signals ultimately to cause brain swelling due to cerebral edema and elevated cerebral blood volume (CBV). Hypoxemia stimulates cellular and molecular responses that may alter endothelial permeability. Hypoxemia is also implicated in upregulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase, and nitric oxide (NO) has been implicated in the pathophysiology of headache and blood brain barrier (BBB) permeability. Through peripheral chemoreceptor activation, hypoxemia can elevate circulating arginine vasopressin levels which, in turn, causes anti-diuresis and increased extracellular water levels. The sum of these peripheral responses to hypoxia arrives at the brain (and in this model they are exaggerated by exercise) and influences BBB permeability, cerebral edema and CBV. These changes cause elevated intracranial pressure in those with a cerebrospinal capacitance that cannot buffer the swelling brain. Intracranial pressure causes the symptoms of AMS via compression of the brain. Although definitive research is lacking, the interplay between brain water content, brain blood volume and intracranial dynamics ultimately determines who develops AMS. Modified from (Roach and Hackett, 2001).


Prevention of AMS typically involves a slow, graded ascent to high altitude. General advice includes that when above 3000m, each night should be spent no more than 300m above the previous nights and a rest day should be taken every 2-3 days of climbing.

In addition, prophylactic Acetazolamide can be taken. Acetazolamide is a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor which acts to promote the renal excretion of bicarbonate, thus producing a metabolic acidosis. The lowered then acts on the peripheral chemoreceptors to increase ventilation, increase PO2 and decrease PCO2. These are the changes associated with acclimatization, therefore acetazolamide can be seen to hasten the acclimatization process and minimize the occurrence of AMS. These changes are outlined in Figure 20-7.


This diagram shows a series of blocks illustrating the sequence of events leading to acute mountain sickness.
Figure 20-7 Simplified explanation for acetazolamide’s efficacy in the reduction of acute mountain sickness (AMS). At high altitude, reduced barometric pressure (PB) and reduced partial pressure of inspired oxygen (PiO2) result in hypoxemia, which drives ventilation. Increases minute ventilation leads to decreased arterial PCO2, which without acetazolamide will limit the increase in ventilation and result in acute mountain sickness. Acetezolamide will cause acidosis with an increase in PaCO2 and allow further increases in minute ventilation, preventing acute mountain sickness.

Hyperventilation causes a respiratory (Resp) alkalosis that limits the rise in ventilation and leads to symptoms of AMS. By generating metabolic acidosis, acetazolamide is able to attenuate the effects of respiratory alkalosis and improve AMS.

Because the underlying cause of AMS is the hypoxia, treatment in the most basic form is centred around improving oxygenation. Improving oxygenation can be achieved by

  • not ascending to higher altitude
  • if symptoms are not improving, then descending to lower altitude
  • treatment in a hyperbaric Gamow bag.

Often AMS is self-limiting and improves with rest.

Acetazolamide has also been shown to be effective in the treatment (in addition to in prophylaxis) of AMS.

High Altitude Cerebral Edema

Another form of serious altitude illness, high altitude cerebral edema (HACE) normally occurs 1- 2 days after the onset of the typical AMS symptoms. The clinical features include the same symptoms of AMS; headache, nausea, and fatigue, however also include an impaired level of consciousness, hallucinations, papilloedema and if not treated- coma and death. HACE often is coexistent with HAPE as both indicate a failure of adequate adaptation to the high-altitude environment.

HACE is thought to represent an extreme form of AMS (Figure 20-6) with a similar underlying pathophysiology. It is proposed that hypoxia leads to an extracellular fluid accumulation (edema) within the cranial cavity. Because the cranial cavity is a rigid structure, an increase in extracellular fluid volume can quickly cause an increase in intracranial pressures with associated neurological disturbance (confusion, altered level of consciousness, and papilloedema). The edema appears to be related to vessel leakiness (vasogenic) rather than neuronal cell dysfunction (cytotoxic), because the degree hypoxia in HACE cases is not normally sufficient to cause failure of cerebral cellular ion pumps and subsequent cytotoxic edema.

Like AMS, some subjects are more prone to developing HACE. One hypothesis for inherent susceptibility is that some subjects have a ‘tighter fit’ of their brain within their rigid boney cavity. Therefore, for a given increase in brain ECF volume, these subjects will have a greater increase in intracranial pressure i.e. their cranial cavity is less compliant. This is known as the ‘tight fit hypothesis’ (Hackett, 1999).

The treatment of HACE is similar to that of AMS in that the most important treatment involves optimizing oxygenation. Options again include descent to lower altitude, hyperbaric treatment in a Gamow bag, and oxygen administration. Strategies to decrease intracranial pressures involve dexamethasone treatment.

Research Box:  High Altitude Pulmonary Edema

High altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) is a condition affecting normally healthy individuals upon rapid ascent to high altitude. initially presents with breathlessness. However, the breathlessness in HAPE continues to deteriorate and is then accompanied by productive cough. Chest pain, weakness and headache are also common symptoms. Clinical signs include central cyanosis  tachypnea, tachycardia, and lung crackles on auscultation. These lung crackles indicate fluid in the alveoli – pulmonary edema. A chest x-ray (not normally performed because of low availability in mountainous regions) demonstrates bilateral patchy opacities with a normal cardiac silhouette (Milledge, 2006).


A Non-Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema:

The first reports of HAPE again can be traced back to TH Ravenhill at the beginning of the 20th century, when he described the various forms of mountain sickness in the highlands of South America. He divided mountain sickness into 2 forms: Soroche (meaning cerebral) and Puna (meaning cardiac). Despite this initial description, it was not until about 50 years later that investigations into the pathophysiology of HAPE were performed.

The most common reason for fluid in the lungs is left-sided heart failure, leading to elevated pulmonary capillary pressures and fluid shifts into the alveoli. Therefore, early investigation focused on the heart. Patient’s ECG’s showed a right axis deviation, potentially indicating right ventricular hypertrophy. This right ventricular hypertrophy could have been caused by either left-sided heart failure, or primary elevated pulmonary pressures. Research has revealed that pulmonary artery pressures were markedly raised and importantly, left sided heart pressures were not elevated (Penaloza and Sime, 1969). This lay to rest ideas that HAPE was caused by heart failure and indicated that pulmonary arterial hypertension may be an important factor. In the latter half of the 20th century, focus turned to describing the nature of the fluid with the hope of gaining further insight into the pathophysiology of HAPE.

WHAT’S IN THE FLUID? Edema in any tissue can be caused by an increased hydrostatic pressure, decreased plasma oncotic pressure, damage to the vascular membrane, or impaired lymphatic and vascular reuptake of the fluid. Bold studies performed in the late 1980’s helped clarify the pathophysiology of HAPE by analyzing the cytological, biochemical, and immunologic make-up of the pulmonary edema fluid. Schoene and his co-workers in 1986 performed bronchoalveolar lavage (an invasive medical technique for obtaining alveolar fluid samples) on 3 mountaineers on Mt Denali with established HAPE and compared this with healthy controls on the same mountain (Schoene and Hackett et al., 1986). The bronchoalveolar lavage fluid showed increased levels of high molecular weight proteins, red blood cells, macrophages, and inflammatory markers indicating that the alveolar edema involved an increased permeability of pulmonary capillaries and that inflammation may contribute to this.

Subsequent studies in the Italian alps showed that in the early stages of HAPE, the alveolar fluid was rich in high molecular weight proteins but contained no evidence of inflammation (Swenson and Maggiorini et al., 2002). This demonstrated that the inflammatory response, although potentially important in the maintenance of HAPE, is not responsible for the initiation of HAPE.

High Altitude Pulmonary Edema Susceptible Mountaineers:

In the late 20th century, it became apparent that there were groups of climbers who were especially prone to developing HAPE, whereas other climbers were relatively resistant. This fact spawned a series of studies comparing HAPE susceptible and non-HAPE susceptible after rapid ascent to altitude. These daring studies, mostly performed in the Capanna Margherita laboratory in the Italian Alps, have yielded significant insight into the pathophysiology of HAPE.

In one such study, Duplain and colleagues took a group of susceptible and non-HAPE susceptible mountaineers rapidly up to 4600 m and ‘successfully’ induced HAPE (Duplain and Sartori et al., 2000). The pulmonary artery pressures and exhaled nitric oxide were measured in these subjects and it was found that those who developed HAPE had significantly higher pulmonary pressures and significantly lower exhaled nitric oxide. Inhalation of nitric oxide in these subjects has also been shown to be an effective treatment for HAPE (Scherrer and Vollenweider et al., 1996). These studies have led to the hypothesis that a genetic propensity to decreased pulmonary production is an important factor in the of HAPE. In accordance with this, there have been further studies finding a defect in the endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene in those susceptible to HAPE (Droma and Hanaoka et al., 2002).

Other factors that have been shown to predispose to the of HAPE include a blunted hypoxic ventilatory response, an exaggerated pulmonary vascular response to exercise and hypoxia, increased sympathetic tone, and small lung volumes (Figure 20-8).


This diagram has two pictures and a sequence of events listed from top left to bottom right. The picture on the left is an x-ray of the lungs, showing scattered dark spots, representing increased density associated with accumulation of fluid (pulmonary edema). The picture on the right shows a microscopic view of a lung with increased space between alveoli. These spaces are occupied by fluid. From top left to bottom right, the sequence of events are: alveolar hypoxia (the primary event triggering these responses), pulmonary vasoconstriction, pressure induced leak, pulmonary edema, clinical features of HAPE: cough, dyspnea, tachypnea, hypoxia and crackles.
Figure 20-8 Pathophysiology of HAPE. Alveolar hypoxia causes hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction. This vasoconstriction is patchy and therefore results in an increased pressure in some capillaries and a subsequent pressure induced leak (see insert to the left from (West and Mathieucostello, 1995). This fluid leaks into the alveolar spaces to cause pulmonary edema (see chest X ray insert to the left; patchy opacities throughout both lung fields. Pulmonary edema gives rise to the clinical symptoms and signs of HAPE: cough, dyspnea, tachypnea, hypoxia, and crackles. Factors that may predispose to developing HAPE include decreased endogenous nitric oxide levels and an exaggerated hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction response.

A STRESS-INDUCED LEAK: The increased pulmonary pressures cause an increased pulmonary capillary hydrostatic pressure, so much so that the capillary endothelium begins to strain and even ruptures; leading to the extravasation of red blood cells, large protein, and macrophages into the alveolar space. This alveolar edema leads to ventilation perfusion mismatch and impaired pulmonary gas exchange. This gives rise to breathlessness, cough, cyanosis, tachycardia, and the lowered SpO2.

TREATMENT: Treatment of HAPE involves reducing the stimulus for the vasoconstriction; alveolar hypoxia, and secondly by directly dilating the pulmonary arteries, thereby reducing the hydrostatic pressure and fluid movement to the alveolar space.

Methods of reducing the alveolar hypoxia include: descent to lower altitudes, hyperbaric treatment in a Gamow bag if descent is impossible, and oxygen administration by facemask or nasal cannula. Methods to directly dilate pulmonary vessels and decrease pulmonary pressures include pharmacological treatment with the calcium blocker Nifedipine, the phosphodiesterase inhibitor Sildenafil, or the glucocorticoid Dexamethasone.

Sleep at High Altitude

Decreased quality of sleep is an almost universal subjective complaint amongst visitors to high altitude and this is supported by objective evidence of an increased frequency of arousals, decreased time spent in ‘deep’ sleep (stage 3 and 4 slow wave sleep), a decreased time spent in REM sleep, and the of periodic breathing. The reason for these changes in sleep is, like the rest of the illnesses we have discussed, the underlying hypoxia; however, in contrast to acute mountain sickness, periodic breathing at high altitude gets worse and not better during acclimatization. This implies that the etiology of periodic breathing at altitude is distinct from that of AMS.

The mechanism of periodic breathing at high altitude is thought to involve an increase in sensitivity of the peripheral and central chemoreceptors such that any disturbance in breathing (i.e., a sigh or a breath hold) will trigger overcompensation in ventilation, resulting in alternating periods of apnea and hyperventilation. For example, if during sleep at sea level, someone has a transient breath hold (a decrease in ventilation), the PCO2 at the central chemoreceptors will increase. This will result in an increase in ventilation to bring the PCO2 back to baseline and stabilize the breathing pattern. At high altitude, the increase in ventilation for a given increase in PaCO2, is increased (central chemo sensitivity is increased). Therefore, after a breath hold, the ventilation will increase to a level greater than is required and PaCO2 is decreased below baseline and below the threshold to breathe – resulting in an apnea. An unstable system is created where the breathing pattern oscillates between hyperventilation and apnea. A ventilation trace of periodic breathing is shown in Figure 20-9. Acetazolamide can also be used to help reduce the degree of periodic breathing during sleep and improve sleep quality; this is another pathway in which Acetazolamide can improve symptoms of AMS.

This image shows the results of testing during sleep with frequent episodes of apnea. Of particular interest, air flow stops periodically (purple bands in lower part of the figure), while hyperventilation results in reaction to this lack of breathing. oxygen saturation oscillates, rising with hyperventilation and falling with apnea (note this is offset, due to the time needed for the circulation to reach the sensor). Bursts of activity from the brain re detected with electroencephylography immediately prior to the hyperventilation.
Figure 20-9 A 2-min epoch from a polysomnogram from one subject during sleep at 5050 m showing central sleep apnea (CSA). Arrow H indicates the period of hyperpnea, and arrow A the period of apnea. Arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) reading showing periods of desaturation. Nasal airflow reading measured by pressure transduced nasal cannula. Respiratory effort, measured by piezoelectric bands, highlight the period of hyperpnea (H) and longer period of apnea (A). ECG, electrocardiogram; EEG, electroencephalogram; EMG, electromyogram; EOG, electrooculogram.

Blood Response


One of the most well-known physiological responses to high altitude is the increase in haemoglobin concentration. This increase in haemoglobin concentration is useful because it results in an increase in oxygen carrying capacity of the blood and therefore increases the body’s ability to supply oxygen to the tissues. Interestingly, there is no apparent correlation between haemoglobin concentration at high altitude and exercise performance. This physiological response has however been exploited in the sporting world with blood doping and EPO injections.

Oxygen Transport

To understand how an increased haemoglobin concentration helps us at high altitude we need to review how oxygen is transported in the blood. The total amount of oxygen carried in the blood is the amount of oxygen carried by haemoglobin, and the amount of oxygen dissolved in the blood. Of these two, oxygen carried by haemoglobin is by far the most important. The amount of oxygen carried by haemoglobin can be calculated as the product of the total haemoglobin concentration in gdL-1, the amount of oxygen each gram of haemoglobin can carry (mlg-1), and the percentage of this total haemoglobin that is saturated with oxygen. This is summarized in the formula below.

Oxygen content = [Hb]oxygen saturationoxygen carrying capacity of haemoglobin + oxygen dissolved in the blood                                                                                                                                         Equation 20-8

Because oxygen is poorly soluble in blood, this contribution towards total oxygen content is extremely small (0.003PaO2). If we again take the case of Rachel at 5000m, her oxygen saturation was ~80%, PaO2= 50, haemoglobin concentration 17.0 gdL-1, and oxygen carrying capacity (1.34 mlg-1).

This results in:

Oxygen content = 17.00.801.34 + 500.003

Oxygen content = 18.34 mLdL-1

Interestingly, if we look at the situation of sea level, Rachel’s haemoglobin concentration is likely to have been ~14 gdL-1, her oxygen saturation 98% and her oxygen carrying capacity unchanged at 1.34 mlg-1 and her PaO2 of 100 mm Hg. This gives a sea level total oxygen content of:

Oxygen content = 14.00.981.34 +1000.003

Oxygen content = 18.68 mLdL-1, a value very similar to that at 5000m altitude.

If there was no increase in Hb concentration with altitude, the total oxygen content would be about 20% lower than at sea level:

Oxygen content = 14.00.801.34+500.003

Oxygen content = 15.16 mLdL-1


This image illustrates the impact of altitude on the haemoglobin and oxygen saturation. The top row relates to 5300 m altitude and the lower row relates to sea level. On the left, each bar is divided into haemoglobin and plasma. At sea level, haemoglobin is 14 g/dL and at altitude it is 17 g/dL. The higher Hb content results in a smaller volume of plasma. The second column relates oxgyen saturation, which is 98% at sea level and 80% at altitude. The next column has only text, saying that for sea level, the oxygen carrying capacity is 1.34 mL/dL and at altitude it is 1.34 ml/dL. Oxygen content at sea level, shown inthe final columns on the right show 18.5 mL/dL both at sea level and at altitude. The increased Hb content at altitude compensates for the decreased % saturation.
Figure 20-10. Dissolved oxygen and haemoglobin bound oxygen contribution to total oxygen content. This maintenance of oxygen content, although important at rest, is especially important during exercise when the amount of oxygen taken up by the muscles is greatly increased. Next we will review the potential mechanisms for the increase in haemoglobin with altitude.


Why does Haemoglobin Concentration Increase at High Altitude?

The increase in haemoglobin concentration at high altitude is caused initially by a decrease in plasma volume and then later by an increase in red blood cell production (fig 20-11). The initial plasma volume contraction is caused by hypoxia mediated diuresis, and the increase in red blood cell production (erythropoiesis) is caused by a hypoxia mediated increase in erythropoietin secretion.

The link between hypoxia and erythropoietin secretion involves hypoxia inducible factor 1 alpha (HIF 1 alpha). HIF 1alpha is a protein that is rapidly degraded by normoxia but accumulates during hypoxia. It has many different effects, but importantly, it binds to the promoter region of the erythropoetin gene and upregulates transcription.

Acute exposure to hypoxia results in a rise in blood erythropoietin concentration that is detectable within hours. The erythropoetin concentration reaches a maximum after ~ 48 hours (Milledge and Cotes 1985), and then declines to reach sea level values after about 3 weeks. If we plot the changes in EPO concentration, and packed cell volume (an index of erythropoeisis and Hb concentration), against the time spent at altitude, we can see that packed cell volume is very slow to increase (over a period of 3 weeks) whilst the EPO peaks early with altitude exposure and then declines to reach sea level values after ~ 3 weeks.

Three small graphs are shown to illustrate the changes over time (days, weeks and months) for haemoglobin, plasma volume and red cell production. At the top in the middle, the graph shows that Hb concentration increases over days, then stays constant. On the lower left, the graph shows plasma volume decreases over days, then increases for weeks and months. On the lower right, red cell production is shown to be constant for days, but increases rapidly over weeks, then more slowly over months. The initial increase in haemoglobin concentration of the blood is due to plasma volume loss. Subsequently, the Hb concentration is maintained by increased production in spite of the increase in plasma volume.
Figure 20-11. Time course of haemoglobin, plasma volume, and red cell production changes at high altitude of PV and RBC volume. Over a period of days, plasma volume contracts (bottom left), red cell production remains constant (bottom right) and therefore haemoglobin concentration increases (top). Over a period of weeks, plasma volume reaches a low point, red blood cell production begins to increase resulting in a further increase in haemoglobin concentration. Over a period of months, plasma volume increases towards baseline levels, and red cell production remains reasonably constant. This results in a steady haemoglobin concentration.

However this increase in haemoglobin concentration is not without its disadvantages. The price paid for the increase in oxygen carrying capacity of the blood is an increase in blood viscosity with an associated increase in vascular resistance. This disadvantageous response is most apparent in chronic mountain sickness patients, where haemoglobin concentration can reach levels of above 22 gdL-1 with attendant symptoms and signs of headache, malaise, pulmonary hypertension, and cyanosis. This condition is best treated with descent to a lower altitude or the removal of blood from the body.

Acid-Base Balance

With ascent to high altitude, changes in respiratory and renal function lead to changes in CO2 and HCO3- in the blood. These changes can have a marked effect on and protein function. How these changes in respiratory and renal function affect pH is considered below.

When CO2 is dissolved in blood it reacts with water to form carbonic acid (H2CO3) at a one-to-one ratio. This carbonic acid then dissociates into H+ and bicarbonate at concentrations determined by the dissociation constant for carbonic acid (KA).

         CO2 + H3O H3CO3 HCO3 + H+                       Equation 20-9

          KA = [HCO3-][H+][H2CO3]-1                         Equation 20-10a

And because H2CO3 is produced at a 1 to 1 ratio from CO2 then CO2 can replace H2CO3.

Therefore, taking logs:

         log KA = log [H+] + log [HCO3-][CO2] -1                     Equation 20-10b

        -log [H+] = -log KA + log HCO3-][CO2] -1                       Equation 20-10c

If we let ‘–log = p,’ then we have:

             pH = pKA + log [HCO3][CO2] -1                             Equation 20-10d

where pKA is 6.1.

This is known as the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation.

How does this mathematics relate to physiology at high altitude? Because of the hypoxic induced hyperventilation described above, the arterial PCO2 levels are decreased at high altitude. This decrease in PaCO2, causes an increase in according to the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation:

pH = 6.1 + log ( [HCO3-][CO2]-1)

at sea level:

pH = 6.1 + log (24/400.03)

where 0.03 is the conversion factor (Henry’s constant) from mM to partial pressure in mm Hg according to Henrys law (see chapter 7)

pH = 7.4

At high altitude, the hyperventilation associated hypocapnia, causes a decrease in bicarbonate and therefore an increase in . For example at an altitude of 5000m arterial PCO2 typically decreases to 25 mm Hg and HCO3- is typically ~20 mmolL-1 and therefore:

pH = 6.1 + log (20/0.0325) pH= 6.1 + log 26.7

pH = 6.1 + 1.43

pH = 7.53

This respiratory alkalosis typically causes a metabolic compensation, involving bicarbonate excretion through the kidneys. This decrease in bicarbonate reduces the base to acid ratio and hence brings the back down towards neutral (7.4).

Acid Base Balance and the Oxygen Dissociation Curve

Changes in of the body can have far reaching effects, mainly due to alteration in protein function. In the case of high altitude, the change in pH has marked effects on the oxygen dissociation curve.

As reviewed in chapter 7, many factors can affect the position of the oxygen dissociation curve: an increase in temperature, CO2, H+, and 2,3 bisphosphoglycerate (2,3 BPG) shift the curve to the right, whilst a decrease in temperature, CO2, H+, and 2,3 BPG all cause a leftward shift in the curve.

This figure has one large graph, the sigmoidal Oxygen saturation graph and 3 small graphs illustrating the impact of changes in temperature, PCO2 and pH on the position of the curve. The control curve, which relates to 37 degrees, PCO2 40 mmHg and pH 7.2, shows Hb saturation rising slowly at first, then more quickly reaching >80% saturated by 60 mm Hg, then a slow increase to 98% saturated at 80 mm Hg. Shifts of the curve to the right occur with increased temperature, increased PCO2 and decreased pH. Diphosphoglycerate also shifts the curve to the right. Leftward shifts of the curve relate to the opposite changes of these variables.
Figure 20-12 Example of how the oxygen dissociation curve may initially be shifted to the left at high altitude due to the influence of hypocapnia (low PaCO2, ) and alkalosis (high pH). Following partial acclimatization, acid-base correlation of the alkalosis will then further alter the curve (West, 2010).

This leftward shift can be considered beneficial at extreme altitudes as it optimizes in the pulmonary capillaries; for a given PO2 in the pulmonary blood, oxygen saturation will be increased. Normalization with metabolic compensation and in increase in 2,3 BPG tends to shift the curve back towards its resting position at after time at altitude.

Acid Base Research at Extreme High Altitude

In 2008, a group of scientists from the UK set off to Mt Everest with the goal to obtain arterial blood gas samples at the summit of Mt Everest (Grocott and Martin et al. 2009). Until then arterial samples had been taken in 2 hypobaric chamber studies in which barometric pressure was gradually decreased to that of the summit of Mt Everest. Blood gas samples were taken in four subjects just below the summit at a height of 8400m. These represent the highest blood gas samples to be obtained to date and yield significant insight not only into high altitude physiology, and as the authors point out, but also into the physiology of critically ill patients in the intensive care unit.

At 8400m the average blood gas parameters for the four subjects were as follows: 7.53, PO2 24.6 mm Hg, PCO2 24.6 mm Hg, base excess -6.9, lactate of 2.2 molL-1, haemoglobin of 19.3 gdl-1, oxygen saturation of 54% and an average alveolar to arterial gradient of 5.4 mm Hg (Grocott and Martin et al. 2009). These values represent the highest altitude that such recordings have ever been recorded and also possibly the lowest arterial oxygen pressures and saturations ever recorded in healthy humans.

Throughout the ascent of Everest, calculated oxygen content remained stable despite the reduced SaO2 (owing to the increase in haemoglobin concentration) until approximately 7100m. This remarkable maintenance of oxygen content indicates that a decreased oxygen content is not responsible for the marked decrease in exercise performance at these altitudes.

Brain Response

The brain is the arguably the most sensitive organ in the body. It perhaps is not surprising that brain blood flow is usually well maintained at high altitude (Severinghaus and Bainton et al., 1966; Ainslie and Ogoh, 2010). Indeed, in order to compensate for marked reductions in the CaO2 during the initial arrival to high altitude, brain blood flow may increase by 20-30% in order to maintain effective cerebral oxygen delivery. Even at extremes of altitudes (>8000m) it has been reported that cerebral vasodilation occurs, again compensating for reductions in CaO2 (Wilson and Edsell et al., 2011). Despite this maintenance of cerebral oxygen delivery, ascent to altitude results in a subtle decline in some of our more sophisticated cognitive skills. The mountain environment is potentially dangerous and the complex decisions needed for safe travel require a normal functioning brain. Some of the tragedies that have occurred at high altitude, such as the events on high on Everest in 1996, may have resulted from a critical loss of judgment (Krakauer, 1997). The mortality on descent from the summit of Everest is three times greater for those climbers not using oxygen than in those who did (Huey and Eguskitza, 2000). More recently a study into all the deaths on Mount Everest between 1921–2006 found that of the 212 deaths, 94 occurred above 8000 m (Firth and Zheng et al. 2008). Most of these deaths occurred on descent. Cognitive impairment, ataxia, profound fatigue, late summit times, and the tendency to fall behind companions were all features seen in non-survivors. Respiratory distress, nausea, vomiting, and headache, common indicators of altitude illness at 2500-5000m, were rarely noted in the non-survivors above 8000m.

Acclimatization to High Altitude: Truths and Misconceptions

The biggest misconception about acclimatization is that it returns the body to the sea level condition and the effects of high altitude are nullified by acclimatization. An example – at 4200m: Alveolar PO2 following acute exposure is about 45 mmHg. Alveolar PO2 following full acclimatization is about 54 mmHg! Patients with COPD with an arterial PO2 less than 55 mmHg are normally placed on a form of continuous oxygen therapy. Thus, the most important feature of acclimatization is hyperventilation. Polycythemia and the associated increased haemoglobin concentration is slow to develop and of minor value. Other features include increases in cellular oxidative enzymes and the concentration of capillaries in some tissues. Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction is not beneficial as discussed.

Exercise at Altitude

When we exercise at altitude, there are two different and independent stressors to which the body must respond and adapt to: hypoxia and exercise. The simultaneous presence of both stressors has an additive effect that will influence maximal exercise capacity, endurance time until and overall exercise performance. When considering the physiological responses to exercise at altitude, we need to consider a number of factors:

  • the degree of hypoxia incurred;
  • the intensity (absolute vs relative workload) and duration of exposure to hypoxic conditions
  • the inter-individual variability in adapting to hypoxic environments (responders vs non- responders)

These factors are outlined briefly below, followed by consideration of how exercise at altitude impacts each step of the oxygen cascade (Figure 20-13).

A sequence for the oxygen cascade is illustrated. Partial pressure of O2 decreases as you go from: Ambient air, to Lungs, to arterial blood, represented by cardiac output and muscle blood flow. Then oxygen extraction results in a decrease in PO2 across the length of each capillary. Cellular metabolism is the sink for O2, and mitochondrial PO2 is quite low.
Figure 20-13 The flow of ambient oxygen, and eventual delivery to the cell is dependent upon a number of links composing the oxygen cascade pathway. During exercise at altitude, adjustments are made to various components of this pathway to optimize oxygen delivery to the working muscle in order to compensate for a reduction in inspired oxygen levels. After acclimatization to altitude, some of the links in the pathway are unregulated (e.g., RCV, HB) forming the basis of the ‘life high-train low’ concept of training.
  • The degree or extent of hypoxia incurred
  • As mentioned, at low altitude, resting SaO2 is well maintained and thus only results in marginal disruption to homeostasis; however as we ascend to more moderate altitude (>3000m) a slight decrease in resting SaO2 (e.g., 98 to 92%) is observed as the ambient PIO2 can decreases to 110 mm Hg compared with 159 at sea level. At high altitude (approx. 5000m), ambient PO2 will decrease to around 85 mm Hg with resting SaO2 approaching 80% and lower. These decreases in PIO2 and SaO2 present a significant disruption to our resting haemostasis.
  • The intensity and duration of exposure to hypoxic conditions
  • As observed at sea level, the relative stress/intensity of exercise out plays a major role in the subsequent physiological and metabolic adjustments (e.g., cardiovascular, respiratory, hormonal). Furthermore, it should be noted that when performing the same absolute workload at altitude as at sea level, a greater relative exercise intensity is elicited that results in a greater physiological challenge and disruption to homeostasis. The main reason for this is that although the O2 for a given output at high altitude is similar at sea level and altitude, the relative exercise intensity is greater as a result of the decline in O2max (i.e. a constant power output represents a higher percentage of O2max at high altitude). For example, cycling at a power output of 100W at sea level may elicit a V̇O2 of 1.5 L∙min-1, a value around 50% of sea level O2max (Figure 20-15). When cycling at an identical workload of 100W at 4300m, a V̇O2 of 1.5 L∙min-1 may also be found. However, due to a reduction in O2max at this altitude (approximately 25%), this represents a significantly greater relative exercise intensity of 65% of O2max. As a result of this higher relative intensity, more dramatic physiological and metabolic adjustments are required to maintain homeostasis for a given absolute workload when performed at altitude compared to sea level.
This histogram shows oxygen uptake for cycling at 100 watts (about 2 L/min) and maximal oxygen uptake (about 4 L/min) at sea level on the left and at 4300 m altitude on the right. Maximal oxygen uptake decreases to 3 L/min, but the oxygen needed to cycle at 200 watts is not changed. At sea level, this person can cycle at 100 watts, using 50% of their maximal oxgyen uptake. At latitude, the same oxygen requirement represents 67% of max.
Figure 20-14 The effects of altitude on maximal and sub-maximal oxygen consumption. Although the oxygen cost of cycling at 100 W does not change, the decrease in maximal oxygen uptake results in this being a greater % of maximal oxygen uptake.
  • Inter-individual variability in adapting to hypoxic environments (responders vs non- responders)
  • A final factor determining the physiological response to altitude is whether the individual is acclimatized to altitude. Thus, a sea level resident who is exposed, acutely, to a high-altitude environment will respond differently when compared to an individual who has been acclimatization to high altitude.

Exercise and the Oxygen Cascade

For reasons discussed, there are a number of physiological and metabolic adjustments made both at rest and during exercise at high altitude when compared with sea level. A primary goal of our body, regardless of the barometric pressure, is to ensure that an adequate amount of oxygen is delivered to the exercising muscles. We accomplish this through adaptations in the various links that make up the “oxygen cascade” (Figure 20-13). One well-reported observation as that maximal oxygen consumption is progressively reduced upon ascent to high altitude (Fig 20-15). Factors that influence this reduction in exercise capacity are outlined below.

This graph shows the percent decline of maximal oxygen uptake with increasing altitude. At 1000 m of altitude (about the altitude of Calgary, Alberta), maximal oxygen uptake is reduced by 1-5%. This would be barely noticeable. However, the line sweeps downward in a curve as atlitude increases reaching -30% at 5000 m and -70% at 7500 m.
Figure 20-15; Effect of altitude on maximal oxygen uptake. As altitude increases, maximal oxygen uptake decreases.

Step 1- the Lungs

Total and ventilation, like at rest, are greater during submaximal exercise at high altitude when compared to at sea level (see Figure 20-16). Elevations in submaximal ventilation are a beneficial response as it helps to preserve alveolar and arterial oxygen pressures and thus maximize oxygen content. The mechanism underling this greater increase in submaximal ventilation is likely due to the greater reductions in PaO2 and thus more marked peripheral chemoreflex activation. Although maximal ventilation during exercise is unaltered when compared to sea level, heavy exercise stresses lung capacity to the limit. For example, unlike at sea level, PaO2 decreases during exercise at high altitude. This decrease in PaO2 is caused mainly by an incomplete diffusion but also by ventilation perfusion mismatch and shunting.

This graph shows the ventilation response to an incremental exercise task. the line to the far right shows the sea level response; ventilation barely increases at the very low intenstities, but increases exponentially after this, reaching values above 120 L/min at very high intensity (i.e. close to maximal oxygen uptake). There are three more lines o the graph, each a little further to the left (more ventiilation earlier in the exercise intensity range). These represent 200 m, 3000 m and 4300 m. From this graph, it would appear that maximal ventilation would be needed to exercise at less than 50 % of sea level maximal oxygen uptake when you are at 4300 m.
Figure 20-16 Effect of increasing altitude on ventilation during graded-intensity exercise. V̇E, ventilation.

Diffusion limitation at altitude during exercise: Diffusion (i.e. movement of O2 from the alveoli to the pulmonary capillaries) across the pulmonary and tissue capillaries can become limiting at altitude, especially during exercise. As discussed in Chapter 7, the partial pressure of oxygen determines the driving force from one place to another. This diffusion driving force is equal to the alveolar to venous PO2 difference. Although the transit time remains at 0.25 sec, the driving force for diffusion is much less than at sea level. For example, the diffusion driving force is approx. 60 mmHg at sea level (calculated from subtracting PAO2 [e.g., 100mmHg] from PvO2 [40 mmHg]). In contrast, at 5000m, this diffusion driving force is approx. 20 mmHg (PAO2 [e.g., 50mmHg] from PvO2 [25 mmHg]). These changes results in marked reductions in SaO2 and related arterial hypoxemia during exercise that contributes to the decline in maximal oxygen consumption.

Step 2 – Haemoglobin

As reviewed in the section on blood response, upon exposure to altitude >2500m, significant increases in haemoglobin concentrations occur. Although an increased production of red blood cells is often viewed as the best-known feature of adaption to high altitude, this response has little role in acclimatization to high altitude that occurs over 2-3 days. Plasma volume contraction, and later, polycythaemia underlie this increase in haemoglobin concentration. The somewhat controversial topic of exposure to high altitude to improve sea level performance is highlighted in the research box below.

Step3 to 5 – Cardiac Output and Oxygen Extraction:

The next critical step in the oxygen cascade is oxygen transport via cardiac output. Consideration of the importance of  and the influence of hypoxia on oxygen delivery and utilization during exercise can be appreciated with the Fick equation:


              O2 = (a-) O2 difference                 Equation 20-11

The components of the Fick equation provide an accurate assessment of how critical elements associated with oxygen delivery and utilization are affected by both short- and long-term exposure to high altitude. These are discussed below:

Cardiac output: Cardiac output () is a function of HR and SV. Upon initial exposure to altitude, HR and thus  increase in an attempt to compensate for the reduction oxygen content of the blood. This response helps ensure that adequate amounts of oxygen are transported to tissues, including during exercise. During submaximal workloads, the alterations in and local muscle blood flow allow for sufficient oxygen delivery to working muscles. Consequently, for a given submaximal workload, V̇O2 remains unchanged from sea level vales. Thus, a higher at altitude compared with sea level maintains a similar level of oxygen being transported to and utilized by working muscles. Because of reductions in maximal heart rate and SV (due to declines in plasma volume and increased hematocrit), with prolonged exposure (>1-2 weeks) to high altitude, maximal exercise cardiac output is reduced by 20-30%. Below 6000m, oxygen consumption at a particular output stays the same because of greater tissue extraction (i.e., increased a-O2 oxygen differences).

Heart rate: The initial increase in  is achieved by an increase in HR, Stimulation of the beta – receptors by cardiac sympathetic nerves and circulating epinephrine, are major contributors to the increase in HR at rest and during submaximal exercise. The alpha-adrenergic arm of the SNA may also regulate HR during acclimatization to altitude (Calbet et al., 2003). There is overwhelming evidence that the sympathetic nervous activity is increased during both short and longer-term exposure to high altitude (e.g., arterial noradrenaline and adrenaline levels, MSNA, noradrenaline spillover) (Mazzeo and Bender et al., 1991; Wolfel and Groves et al., 1991) (Hopkins and Bogaard et al., 2003) (Hansen and Sander, 2003) (Mazzeo and Child et al., 2000). It is also possible that partial parasympathetic withdrawal may mediate elevations in resting and exercising heart rates (Hopkins and Bogaard et al., 2003). In contrast, maximal HR during exercise is reduced with increasing severity of hypoxia. Estimates reveal an approximately 1 bmin-1 reduction in peak HR for every 7-mmHg decrease in barometric pressure below 530 mmHg (approximately 130 m of altitude gained above 3100 m).

Stroke volume: Upon initial exposure to altitude, SV appears to be only marginally affected during submaximal exercise. However, with a prolonged exposure to altitude, SV clearly declines over time, stabilizing after 1-2 weeks. Loss of plasma volume is likely to be an important mechanism explaining this reduction in SV. Reductions in plasma volume will lead to reductions in LV filling thereby yielding a lower stroke volume (via the Frank-Starling effect). It is also possible that the increase in the after-load placed upon the heart can contribute to the reduction in SV over time at altitude. Elevations in SNA at altitude results in a progressive increase in systemic vascular resistance and thus MAP. At higher exercise intensities, O2 delivery cannot keep up with muscle demand. This limitation is reflected by the well-known progressive decline in O2max with increasing altitude (Figure 20-16) (Calbet and Boushel et al., 2003). This reduction during initial exposure is directly associated to the decline in the exercising CaO2 as maximal  is unaltered in the short-term. With partial acclimatization (1-3 weeks), for a given output, is reduced from initial exposure due to:

  • a decrease in SV due to a reduced venous filling
  • a decrease in maximal HR due to a reduction in cardiac responsiveness to -adrenergic stimulation (Wagner, 2000) and/or an increase in vagal tone (Hopkins and Bogaard et al., 2003)

As a result of these declines in and muscle blood flow with acclimatization, O2max is still reduced despite significant increases in CaO2 coupled with enhanced O2 extraction by the muscle. The reduction in O2max is predominantly explained by the reduction in max as well as re-distribution of blood flow to non-exercising tissues (Calbet and Boushel et al., 2003). At higher altitudes, a fall in maximal HR can also contribute to the decline in max.


Muscle blood flow: Studies at 4300 m and 5260 m have revealed that while SaO2 and red blood cell numbers increase with acclimatization, net oxygen delivery to exercising muscles did not increase accordingly (reviewed in: (Mazzeo, 2008). This reduction was the result of a decrease (20-30%) in muscle blood flow during exercise, thereby offsetting the improvements in O2 content. Thus, O2 delivery to the muscle remains unchanged after acclimatization when compared with short-term altitude exposure. Thus, it seems that O2 delivery to exercising muscle during submaximal exercise is tightly regulated so that delivery = demand. The mechanisms underpinning these reductions in muscle blood flow are likely caused by:

  • increases in nor-adrenaline concentrations
  • reductions in

Oxygen extraction: A number of studies have reported that oxygen diffusing capacity is not a limiting factor during exercise at high altitude (reviewed in: (Mazzeo 2008)). Additionally, fractional extraction by exercising muscle appears to be the same before and after acclimatization, suggesting that diffusion and utilization by is not compromised. Studies collectively show that – as with sea-level exercise – as V̇O2 increases, working muscles are capable of extracting oxygen as needed under hypoxic conditions during submaximal exercise. Thus, working muscle can match delivery and extraction to match metabolic demand during submaximal exercise at altitude. At these intensities, reductions in  and O2 delivery are compensated for by increased O2 extraction (as indicated by an increase in the (a-)O2 differences compared with short-term altitude exposure yielding values similar to that found during absolute workload at sea level.

Step 6: Cellular metabolism:

The final step in the oxygen cascade is cellular metabolism. To date, assuming adequate energy intake, there are few significant measurable changes in muscle or cellular metabolism at high altitude or with acclimatization. Levels of adenosine triphosphate, creatine phosphate, muscle and heart glycogen, oxidative and glycolytic enzymes remain unchanged with acclimatization. Recent research using sophisticated measurement techniques have also revealed that 9-11 days of exposure to high altitude (4560m) does not markedly modify integrated measures of mitochondrial functional capacity in skeletal muscle despite significant decrements to enzyme concentrations involved in the tricarboxylic acid cycle and phosphorylation (Jacobs and Boushel et al. 2012). Thus, the mechanisms behind improved exercise capacity at high altitude following partial acclimatization are likely independent of changes in cellular metabolism.

EXERCISE CAPACITY: Altitude per se causes marked improvements in events of short duration and high intensity exercise (e.g., sprints and throwing events) and marked impairments in events of long duration and lower intensity (e.g. endurance sports). Gravity decreases by 0.3 cmsec-2 for every 1000m of altitude, and wind resistance decreases with decreased air density. Both of these factors are beneficial at altitude for athletes involved in short-term maximal events. At altitude, there is a decline in running events greater than 800 m (or over >2 min). In the Mexico City Olympic in 1968, many athletes who had world-class times at sea level were defeated by high altitude natives (eg, Kenyans and Ethiopian runners). Figures 20-17 and 20-19 show the typical physical performance decrements as a function of exercise duration and elevation.

This graph shows the prolongation (as a % of sea level race time) that would be expected for race events lasting different times. For events lasting less than 2 min, no decrease in performance would be expected, up to 4000 m. For events lasting 2-5 min, a decrease would be expected above 1500 m and this decrease would reach 15% at 4000 m. For events lasting 20-30 min, the decrease in performance could be evident at 1000 m and would progress to 125% of sea level race time at 4000 m. For events lasting 2-3 hours, the line is more steep, increasing from just before 1000 m to 135% increase in time for events at just greater than 3000 m.
Figure 20-17 Physical performance decrements as a function of event duration and elevations up to 4300 m. Each regression line illustrates how performance changes at altitude for sea level events that lasted less than 2 minutes, 2 to 5 minutes, 20 to 30 minutes, and 2 to 3 hours. (Modified from:(Fulco and Rock et al., 1998)).
Two graphs, one for males (left) and one for females (right) illustrate the theoretical impact of altitutde on speed of running various distances from 100 m to marathon. The two graphs are quite similar, since sex does not affect the impact of altitude on performance. All lines originate at zero altitude and 100%, representing the speed at sea level. The speed for 200m only increases as altitude increases to 4000m and this line is slightly higher than the line for 100m which which reaches 103% and this is slightly higher than the line for 60m, which reaches 102%. The line for 400m is most interesting, with increases in performance as altitude increases to about 2500m, then performance declines, returning close to the speed at sea level by the time 4000 m altitude is reached. For the longer distances (800, 1500, 5000, 10000 and marathon, the line describing performance arcs downward with the magnitude of impact increasing with distance, slowing performance for the marathon to 80% of sea level speed at 4000m.
Figure 20-18 Running performance predicted at different altitudes. In running events, as the distance of the race gets longer the negative effects of altitude on speed are observed in both males and females. Modified from (Peronnet and Thibault et al., 1991).

EXERCISE PERFORMANCE: High altitude training has become a mainstay in endurance sports, with live high-train low being the current protocol of choice. Athletes either live or sleep in artificial or natural hypoxic conditions with the aim to increase serum erythropoietin concentrations, which are thought to improve maximum and thus exercise performance. Changes, however, are not very striking and only apparent in so-called responders, who are not a well-defined group and may be as little as 50% of the trained study population. Whereas some studies show minor improvement (Stray-Gundersen and Levine 2008), others report no change (Lundby and Millet et al., 2012; Robach and Lundby, 2012) or even worsening. Furthermore, the mechanisms behind the proposed beneficial changes remain obscure and are far from being proven.

There is an evident lack of sufficiently powered randomized, double-blinded studies, with training protocols that are identical and comparable for all groups. Several studies discriminate between responders and non-responders, without clearly assessing the characteristics of the so- called responders. Until this has been done, it remains unclear if such a group really exists and how these subjects are characterized. This, however, would be of immense value, so protocols could be tailored to athletes’ needs. Taken together, the current literature on natural or artificial hypoxia somewhat documents improved performance at high but not low altitude. Nevertheless, many elite athletes and their coaches strongly believe in altitude training for competition at sea level. In addition, athletes from Kenya (located at 2000-3000m ASL) are well known for their superior endurance performance at sea level. Thus, some benefits of high-altitude training cannot be excluded.


Taking some of the information about altitude training into consideration, various techniques have been devised in order to expose the athlete to the beneficial effects of high altitude whilst not reducing their ability to train effectively. These have been labelled ‘Live High – Train High, ‘Live Low – Train High’ and ‘Live High – Train Low’. The typical altitudes used are around 2000-2500m, which, in itself, reduces the risk of some of the unhelpful effects of altitude exposure. The ‘low’ altitudes may not actually be at sea level, but could be 1250m, for example. However, the difference between the two altitudes is significant enough to have an effect on training.

Live High – Train High: Maximum exposure to altitude. Evidence of a positive effect at sea level is controversial, and there is less support for this method amongst experts.

Live Low – Train High: The idea behind this regime is that the athlete is exercising in a low oxygen environment, whilst resting in a normal oxygen environment. There have been some interesting findings suggesting that this technique might work, but there are no good studies showing that the technique makes any difference to the ultimate competitive performance of the athlete at sea-level. Additionally, training intensity is reduced so some athletes may find that they actually lose fitness using this regime.

Live High – Train Low (LHTL): The theory behind this regime is that the body will acclimatize to altitude by living there, whilst training intensity can be maintained by training at (or near) sea level. Hence, the beneficial effects of altitude exposure are harnessed whilst some of the negative ones are avoided. However, residence at altitude must be for more than 12 hours per day and for at least 3 weeks. With this technique, some improvements in sea-level performance have been shown in events lasting between 8 and 20 minutes (Bailey and Davies, 1997; Bailey and Davies et al., 1998). However, as mentioned there are a lack of sufficiently powered randomized, double-blinded studies, with training protocols that are identical for all groups. Support for the lack of ‘true’ influence of LHTL comes from the first placebo-controlled and double-blinded design (Nordsborg and Siebenmann et al., 2012). In this study, 16 endurance cyclists trained for 8 wk at low altitude (<1,200 m). After a 2-wk lead-in period, athletes spent 16 hday-1 for the following 4 wk in rooms flushed with either normal air (placebo group, n = 6) or normobaric hypoxia, corresponding to an altitude of 3,000 m (LHTL group, n = 10). Physiological investigations were performed twice during the lead-in period, after 3 and 4 wk during the LHTL intervention, and again, 1 and 2 wk after the LHTL intervention. Weekly training effort was similar between groups. Hb mass, in normoxia, and at a simulated altitude of 2,500 m and mean output in a simulated, 26-km time trial remained unchanged in both groups throughout the study. Exercise oxygen cost (i.e.,O2 measured at 200 W) did not change during the LHTL intervention and was never significantly different between groups. The authors concluded that, 4 weeks of LHTL, using 16 hday-1 of normobaric hypoxia, did not improve endurance performance or any of the measured, associated physiological variables.

Body Composition and Nutrition

Weight loss and muscle atrophy are common at altitude. Studies have reported weight losses of 100-200gday-1. The weight loss is due to a combination of factors including: dehydration (via hyperventilation induced respiratory fluid loss and reductions of fluid intake), energy imbalance, increased activity levels and elevations in basal metabolic rate. Although in the past, lack of available food would likely have played an important role in the of a negative energy balance, it is not the case today due to better energy dense food and availability even at extreme altitudes. In addition, although the sensation of exertion during climbing at high altitude is high, the actual energy expenditure is not high (Westerterp and Kayser et al., 1992). Thus, it is energy intake that is reduced at altitude and it is this that induces an energy deficit resulting in the loss of body mass. The mechanisms responsible for the reduction in energy intake are unclear but may involve the influence of hypoxia on the central pathways of appetite control (Bailey and Ainslie et al., 2004).


Ascent to – and exercise at – altitude has an impact on each step of the oxygen cascade. The most beneficial response to the initial exposure to high altitude is the increase in ventilation which helps offset the reductions in arterial P02 and hence blood oxygen content. Thereafter, increases in hemoglobin concentration further facilitate elevations in oxygen content. There is a well-established decline in O2max with increasing altitude (Figure 20-15). This reduction during initial exposure is directly associated with the decline in the exercising CaO2 as maximal  is unaltered in the short-term. With acclimatization, there are declines in and muscle blood flow and hence O2max is still reduced despite significant increases in CaO2 coupled with enhanced O2 extraction by the muscles. The reduction in O2max is predominantly explained by the reduction in max as well as re-distribution of blood flow to non-exercising tissues. At higher altitudes, a fall in maximal HR can also contribute to the decline in max.

There are many pathophysiological effects of the high-altitude environment. The most common is AMS – a self-limiting condition affecting a >50% of those who ascend >3500m. The incidence depends upon both the absolute altitude and the rate of ascent such that at below an altitude of 2000m, AMS is rare, and above 5000m it is almost universal. More serious forms of altitude illness include pulmonary and cerebral edema. Although medications for the treatment of altitude illness are available, descent still remains the most effective approach (if possible).

High altitude training has become a mainstay in many endurance sports, with a variety of approaches to do this. Athletes either live or sleep in artificial or natural hypoxic conditions with the aim to increase serum erythropoietin concentrations, which are thought to improve maximum and thus exercise performance. Changes, however, are not very striking and only apparent in so-called responders, who are not a well-defined group and may be as little as 50% of the trained study population.

Topics for Discussion

  • Describe the mechanisms that drive the two most important responses of acclimatization; hyperventilation and elevations in hemoglobin
  • Provide an overview of why maximal exercise capacity is reduced at high altitude
  • You have been ask to volunteer and help organize a trek to Everest basecamp. What precautions would you take during ascent and what would be the main medications that would be prudent to have for the treatment of altitude illness?
  • Describe the advice and considerations you would give to an athlete at sea-level who is wanted to incorporate some form of ‘altitude’ training into their schedule.


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Fan JL, Burgess KR, Basnyat R, Thomas KN, Peebles KC, Lucas SJ, Lucas RA, Donnelly J, Cotter JD, Ainslie PN. 2010. Influence of high altitude on cerebrovascular and ventilatory responsiveness to CO2. The Journal of Physiology 588(Pt 3):539‐49.


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Meet the Authors

Phil N. Ainslie: School of Health and Exercise Sciences, University of British Columbia Okanagan Campus, British Columbia, Canada

Phil Ainslie, PhD (UK), FACSM

Phil studied human physiology in the UK before post-doctoral studies at the University of Calgary. He started his first appointment as a Lecturer in Physiology at the University of Otago (New Zealand) in 2015 before moving to his job at UBC, Okanagan Campus in 2009. He is a full Professor and holds a Canada Research Chair in Cerebrovascular Physiology. In addition to lab-based work, Phil has led over 12 high-altitude research expeditions. He has published over 300 peer-reviewed publications in the area of environmental physiology. In his spare time, Phil stays active with his family and attempts to climb, ski and kite-surf as much as possible.


Joseph Donnelly: Department of Medicine, University of Auckland, New Zealand

Joseph Donnelly; PhD (Cambs), MB ChB (Distinction), BMedSc (hons)

Joseph studied medicine and physiology at the University of Otago, New Zealand. During his medical studies he developed an interest in high altitude physiology and performed research as part of multiple high-altitude research expeditions in the Nepal Himalaya and the Peruvian Andes. Joseph then completed his PhD in brain physics at the University of Cambridge, (United Kingdom) focussing on invasive monitoring of severe traumatic brain injured patients. Joseph is currently completing internal medicine training in Auckland, New Zealand, and is an honorary senior lecturer in Anaesthesiology. In his spare time, Joseph enjoys playing the bassoon and running slowly.


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