Joerdis Weilandt
Oki and welcome to the University of Lethbridge!
Hopefully, our institution will be the place where you can grow your full academic potential and realise all the vital goals you’ve set for your career. There is no doubt that in addition to your research and community service, your teaching will be of equally great impact as it is going to connect you with the future generations of people, whom your valuable input, directions and support will empower to contribute to an equitable, fair, and sustainable world.
This Handbook intends to ease incoming faculty and staff into their transition of teaching at the University of Lethbridge. It is organised in chapters, in which you can find information pertaining to planning of teaching, accessing the infrastructure of support for your teaching and places where students get assistance for their learning.
You will soon see how much the university values and support supports teaching, and how different communities have formed around it which invite you to join them, so you can connect to other educators to discuss your classroom-specific needs and/ or receive the in-time assistance you will need to develop different teaching-related competencies over time.
The screenshots below show how you can navigate the book either through the content menu on the top left or by hitting the PREVIOUS/ NEXT button on the bottom of the page.