
Wellness & Recognition

Wellness and Recognition provides support, assistance, and consultative services in regards to health and wellness to departments and employees of the University of Lethbridge. The Wellness office develops and implements preventative health and wellness initiatives along with working with employees who are away from work due to illness or injury return to work safely and productively as possible. The goal is to work together with colleagues and peers to provide a positive and balanced work environment for our staff.

The University of Lethbridge has a progressive return to work program (Managed Care) in place for its employees who are recovering from illness, injuries, or surgery. The same principles can be applied to assist employees who may be coping and living with chronic illnesses, or injuries and need workplace modifications to remain productive and at work.

The role of the Wellness and Recognition department is to work with the employee, the medical team, the rehabilitation programs, the supervisor and/or leader if the employee desires, the respective union or employee group, to ensure a safe and timely return to the workplace. This is achieved by adapting work hours and duties to an individual’s level of ability, based on input from a qualified medical professional. To support early intervention of this program, it is recommended that the employee and/or supervisor notify Wellness and Recognition as soon as it is known of pending medical or health concerns.

Some of the preventative wellness initiatives include an annual Physical Activity Challenge, Life Balance Fair for Healthy Workplace Month, and Stretch and Strengthen program, in addition to Ergonomics assessments, Mental Health in the workplace sessions, lunch and learns and various other initiatives.

Wellness and Recognition also organizes the Annual Long Service Awards and Retiree Recognition Ceremony, which is held in May. The efforts, dedication, insights, and opinions of our employees are all extremely valuable to the successful undertakings of our organization. The University appreciates continued dedicated efforts, and to that end, celebrates employees who have completed 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 up to 50 years or more of service along with the current year’s retiree group. All employees are welcome to attend the ceremony.

Wellness and Recognition is always looking for suggestions or ideas for our preventative programs and encourage feedback and conversations! Feel free to contact the Wellness team at 403-332-5217 or 403-382-7187 or wellness@uleth.ca


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