
Conceptual Framework

Improving Digital Literacy in the Settlement Sector: Knowledge and Resources and its corresponding digital literacy self-assessment tools for settlement practitioners were informed by the Common Digital Competence Framework for Teachers (CDCFT). Published in 2017 by the National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (INTEF) in Spain, the CDCFT is a reference framework consisting of 21 competences in five areas across six proficiency levels. It is an adaptation of the European Digital Competence (DigComp) Framework for Citizens and covers a wide range of digital literacy areas that could apply to almost any job today.

The CDCFT is licensed for use and adaptation with attribution, so it was possible for the Empowering Newcomers to Succeed team to reduce the scope of the framework to the competencies that were believed to be the most relevant to settlement practitioners. The five broad competency areas were retained, but the number of individual competences was reduced from 21 to 16. The six proficiency levels were collapsed into three for the purpose of simplification, meaning that the original Foundation Level, consisting of levels A1 and A2, is referred to only as Foundation (Level A) in this project. Similarly, levels B1 and B2 have been combined into Intermediate (Level B), and levels C1 and C2 into Advanced (Level C). When users complete any of the five self-assessments, they receive a level (A, B, or C) that reflects their ability in that particular area.

References & Resources

EU Science Hub. (n.d.). DigComp framework. European Commission. https://joint-research-centre.ec.europa.eu/digcomp/digcomp-framework_en

National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (INTEF). (2017). Common digital competence framework for teachers. https://aprende.intef.es/sites/default/files/2018-05/2017_1024-Common-Digital-Competence-Framework-For-Teachers.pdf

NorQuest College. (2022). Digital literacy assessment tools for service providers. https://www.norquest.ca/about-us/research-and-innovation/research-projects/empowering-newcomers-to-succeed/digital-literacy-assessment-tools-for-service-providers.aspx

NorQuest College. (2022). Empowering newcomers to succeed. https://www.norquest.ca/about-us/research-and-innovation/research-projects/empowering-newcomers-to-succeed.aspx