
About Improving Digital Literacy in the Settlement Sector: Knowledge and Resources

In order for the settlement sector to access the different service modalities currently available, the digital literacy needs of newcomers and settlement practitioners must be addressed. Improving Digital Literacy in the Settlement Sector: Knowledge and Resources is part of a larger project, Empowering Newcomers to Succeed, which seeks to explore these needs and gaps and find solutions where gaps to access exist.

Many settlement service providers in Canada now offer online and/or hybrid services. In order to keep pace with technological advances and continue to provide high-quality service to clients, practitioners may wish to take stock of their own digital-literacy skills and areas for improvement. To this end, Empowering Newcomers to Succeed has created a series of five self-assessment tools that relate to the types of digital skills that may be required by those working in the settlement sector.

Improving Digital Literacy in the Settlement Sector: Knowledge and Resources is intended to be accessed after one or more of the assessments have been completed. However, it can also be used as a stand-alone resource for anyone seeking direction on how to improve their technological skills. Each chapter consists of a compilation of resources within a specific area of digital literacy. For more information about the areas and the framework from which they are derived, see the Conceptual Framework section on the next page.

References & Resources

NorQuest College. (2022). Digital literacy assessment tools for service providers. https://www.norquest.ca/about-us/research-and-innovation/research-projects/empowering-newcomers-to-succeed/digital-literacy-assessment-tools-for-service-providers.aspx

NorQuest College. (2022). Empowering newcomers to succeed. https://www.norquest.ca/about-us/research-and-innovation/research-projects/empowering-newcomers-to-succeed.aspx
