


software used to read through the internet

cloud storage

storing files on remote servers rather than locally on your computer

computer peripherals

Hardware attached to a computer that is used to put information into and get information out of a computer; some common examples are keyboards, mice, monitors, speakers, printers, and, external hard drives


small pieces of data that are sent by a website and stored on your computer

critical-thinking skills

The skills we use to analyze ideas and facts in order to understand the connections between them to form a judgement or opinion

data literacy

The ability to read, analyze, create, and communicate data as information

digital content

Any material that is produced and made available in a digital form; for example, blogs, infographics, videos, and podcasts

digital identity

A person's digital identity is the collection of information about them that exists online. This identity is formed based on their interactions with the internet.

digital literacy

The ability to access, use, evaluate, and communicate information using the internet and various devices such as computers and smartphones

digital media

Information that we create, access, and share in digital form; for example, video, audio, or software


False information that is deliberately spread to deceive or mislead people


the science of fitting the worker to the equipment with which they work


anything about your computer that you can touch; physical parts

hybrid services

A combination of online and in-person services


software that harms your computer


being polite and courteous in online interactions such as emails and discussion forums

online collaboration

Using online tools to work with others on a task in an online environment or space


Hardware or software used to host an application or service

search engine

a specialized website that searches for information across the Internet. Google Search and Bing are two of the most popular search engines, but many more exist.

service modalities

The different methods or ways that services can be provided; for example, online, hybrid, or in person


programs that tell a computer what to do

tech savvy

Someone who is knowledgeable or skilled in the use of technology