
26 What is Body Language?

On this page, you will learn about body language and how important it is in an interview. You will do the following:

  • Learn what body language is.
  • Practise some vocabulary related to body language.
  • Watch two videos to help you compare good and bad choices of body language in an interview.

A. Body Language

Body language is communication without using words. The way someone’s face and body move can show us how they are feeling and what they are thinking. Body language can include

Look at the seven pictures in the activity below. What do you think these people are feeling? What does their body language show you?



Did you have trouble choosing the right word form in the activity above? Maybe you used the adjective form instead of the noun form of the word. Do the drag-and-drop activity below to practise using the correct word form. Then try the flashcard activity again!


B. Vocabulary

You will use the following vocabulary in the next few activities. Do the activity below to learn or review these words.


C. Practice with Body Language

Your body language is very important during a job interview. It can change the interviewer’s opinion of you – positively or negatively. In this activity, you are going to do the following:

  1. Watch two videos.
  2. Pay attention to the body language of the person being interviewed.
  3. Answer the questions after each video.

Video 1


Video 2

Here are some things to remember about body language: 
  • Some things are not said with words.
  • Some things are communicated with body language.
  • You can learn a lot from people’s body language.
  • You can say a lot with your eyes.
  • Eye contact is important in an interview.
  • Not making eye contact can be rude.
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