
32 Reading Strategies

On this page, you will do several warm-up activities to get you ready to read an interview invitation email. You will do the following:

  • A matching vocabulary activity.
  • A sorting activity to activate your background knowledge about interviews.
  • An activity to review email structure.

A. Vocabulary

In the materials below, you will read the following words. Complete the following question to review or learn the words.


B. Reading Strategy: Activate Background Knowledge

One reading strategy is to activate your background knowledge before you read or learn something new. Sometimes your teacher will call this a “warm-up” activity.

You will read an email related to a job interview on the next page.

First, warm up or activate your background knowledge about job interviews by reviewing what you do before, during, and after a job interview.


C. Reading Strategy: Recognize Parts of an Email

Another reading strategy is to think about the structure of the text you are reading. Knowing the structure of a text type can help you quickly find the information you need. This is true whether you are reading a report, paragraph, essay, or email.

Look at the image of the email below. Drag and drop the labels to show that you understand the structure of an email.


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