
21 Interview Tips

On this page, you will do the following activities:

  • Watch a video and take notes.
  • Create an interview tip sheet.
  • Review some important interview tips.

In the last activities, you learned about body language and watched two videos. In the videos, you saw some examples of appropriate and inappropriate interview behaviour. Now, you are going to watch another video. You will make a tip sheet of five important things to do or not do during an interview.

A. Watch a Video

Watch the video below.

  1. The video will pause in five places, and you will see a button that looks like this:
  2. Click on the blue button and think about the questions. Think about the way the candidates are acting. Think about their body language.
  3. At the end of the video, there are three summary questions to answer.


Cultural Tip!
Shaking hands is commonly expected for both men and women in Canada. However, it is also becoming more common for a person to put their hand over their heart instead and say, “For cultural (or religious) reasons, I may not shake hands.” 

B. Write Interview Tips

You watched a video. You thought about the way the candidates were acting and their body language. Now, you are going to make a tip sheet. Decide on the five most important things that you should do or should not do during an interview.

Begin your interview tips with phrases like these:

  • You should …
  • You should not …
  • It’s best to …
  • It’s best not to …

You can also use the imperative to give people tips on how to do something. This ESL Library page will help you learn how to use the imperative form.

Use this tool to write your interview tips and send them to your teacher.

C. Review

You wrote five interview tips. Think about each action below. Is this something you should or should not do during an interview? Drag each action to its correct place.


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