30 Read an Interview Result Email

On this page, you will read an email that someone received after a job interview. You will do the following:

  • Review vocabulary.
  • Identify the parts of an email.
  • Read an email and answer questions.

A. Vocabulary

You will see the following words in the activities below. Do you know what they mean? Answer the two questions to review or learn their meanings.


B. Recognize the Parts of an Email

If you know the parts of an email, you can quickly find the information you need. Look at the image of the email below. Drag and drop the labels to show that you understand the parts of an email.


C. Read an Email and Answer Questions

The following email is an “offer of employment.” This means that the interview went well! The employer wants to hire the person.

  1. Read the email carefully.
  2. Answer the eight questions that follow.
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