58 Monocytes
Michelle To and Valentin Villatoro
- An image from a peripheral blood smear showing a monocyte in the center. 50x oil immersion.From MLS Collection, University of Alberta, https://doi.org/10.7939/R3Q52FV0F
- An image from a peripheral blood smear showing a monocyte in the top left corner (indicated with an arrow). 50x oil immersion. From MLS Collection, University of Alberta, https://doi.org/10.7939/R3FN1172B
- An image from a peripheral blood smear showing two monocytes (indicated by arrows) with prominent vacuoles. 60x oil immersion. From MLS Collection, University of Alberta, https://doi.org/10.7939/R3MG7GB06
Notes: Monocyte nuclear and cytoplasmic morphology can be highly variable.1
Nucleus-to-Cytoplasm Ratio: Variable 2
Nucleoli: Not visible 2
Variable shapes (Folds, kidney shaped)
Loose, lacy, violet chromatin
Blue-gray cytoplasm (Ground glass appearance due to fine, diffuse granules)
May have pseudopods
May have vacuoles
Normal % in Bone Marrow: 2%2
Normal % in Peripheral Blood: 3-11%2
1. Landis-Piwowar K. Granulocytes and Monocytes. In: Clinical laboratory hematology. 3rd ed. New Jersey: Pearson; 2015. p. 97-121.
2. Rodak BF, Carr JH. Monocyte maturation. In: Clinical hematology atlas. 5th ed. St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier Inc.; 2017. p. 55-64.