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Authors & Editors
Michelle To and Valentin Villatoro
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ERA: Education and Research Archive
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Common Abbreviations Used
1. Red Blood Cell Maturation
2. Red Blood Cell Indices, Colour, and Size
3. Poikilocytosis
4. Acanthocytes (Spur Cells)
5. Agglutination
6. Bite (Keratocyte) & Blister (Helmet) Cells
7. Dimorphic Population
8. Echinocytes (Burr Cells)
9. Elliptocytes & Ovalocytes
10. Pyknocytes
11. Rouleaux
12. Schistocytes
13. Sickle Cells (Drepanocytes)
14. Spherocytes
15. Stomatocytes
16. Target Cells (Codocytes)
17. Tear Cells (Dacrocytes, Teardrops)
18. Basophilic Stippling
19. Cabot Rings
20. Heinz Bodies
21. Hemoglobin H (Hb H)
22. Hemoglobin C Crystals
23. Hemoglobin SC Crystals
24. Howell-Jolly Bodies
25. Pappenheimer Bodies (Siderotic Granules)
26. Bacteria & Fungi
27. Malaria
28. Babesia
29. Trypanosomes
30. Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA)
31. Anemia of Chronic Inflammation/Disease (ACI/ACD)
32. Sideroblastic Anemia
33. Thalassemia
34. Iron Studies
35. Megaloblastic Anemia
36. Non-Megaloblastic Macrocytic Anemia
37. Aplastic Anemia
38. Introduction to Hemolytic Anemias
39. Normal Hemoglobin Structure
40. Sickle Cell (Hemoglobin SS) Disease
41. Hemoglobin SC Disease
42. Hemoglobin C (Hb CC) Disease
43. Sickle Cell Trait (Hemoglobin AS)
44. Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemias (MAHAs)
45. Macroangiopathic Hemolytic Anemias
46. Immune-Mediated Hemolytic Anemias
47. Infectious Agents
48. Hereditary Spherocytosis
49. Hereditary Elliptocytosis & Related Variants
50. Hereditary Stomatocytosis Syndromes
51. Hereditary Acanthocytosis (Abetalipoproteinemia)
52. Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH)
53. Glucose-6-phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) Deficiency
54. Pyruvate Kinase (PK) Deficiency
55. Granulocytes and Granulocyte Maturation
56. Lymphocytes
57. Plasma Cells
58. Monocytes
59. Macrophages
60. Megakaryocytes
61. Platelets
62. Neutrophil Hyposegmentation
Valentin Villatoro and Michelle To
63. Neutrophil Hypersegmentation
64. Toxic Changes
65. Pelger-Huet Anomaly
66. Chediak-Higashi Syndrome
67. Alder-Reilly Anomaly
68. May-Hegglin Anomaly
69. Chronic Granulomatous Disease
70. Infectious Mononucleosis/Reactive Lymphocytes
71. Introduction to Leukemias
72. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)
73. Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML)
74. Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APL)
75. Cytochemical Testing
76. Flow Cytometry, Cytogenetics & Molecular Genetics
77. Introduction to Mature Lymphoid Neoplasms
78. Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)
79. Hairy Cell Leukemia (HCL)
80. Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia
81. Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance (MGUS)
82. Plasma Cell Myeloma (Multiple Myeloma)
83. Introduction to Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPNs)
84. Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML)
85. Polycythemia Vera (PV)
86. Essential Thrombocythemia (ET)
87. Primary Myelofibrosis (PMF)
88. Introduction to Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS)
89. MDS: Dyserythropoiesis, Dysmyelopoiesis & Dysmegakaryopoiesis
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A Laboratory Guide to Clinical Hematology Copyright © 2019 by Michelle To is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.