4.4 How to Cite with CSE
This guide is based on the 8th edition (2014) of Scientific Style and Format: The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers and covers the CSE Name-Year citation system.
In-text citations
In text citations include the surname(s) of the author(s) and the year of publication. Follow these guidelines to format your in text citations correctly.
1. How names are displayed depends on the number of authors:
One author: | (Hanlon 2007) |
Two authors: | (Rosa and Seibel 2010) |
Three or more authors: | (IJsseldijk et al. 2015) |
2. To cite multiple works at once, list the works in chronological order, from earliest to most recent.
(Hanlon 2007; Arnaud 2015; Torras 2016)
3. If you are quoting a paper, include the page number of the quotation as follows:
(Mathevon et al. 2017: 2353)
Reference list citations
Reference list citations change depending on the type of item you are citing. Examples are below. I
Notes for all citations:
- Citations have a hanging indent, that means every line after the first line is indented to the right.
- Only the first word of titles or proper nouns should be capitalized.
- If the first work is “the” or “a”/”an”, capitalize the second letter as well
- CSE uses journal title abbreviations. To search for the appropriate abbreviation try CASSI or Web of Science Journal Title Abbreviations
Journal Article
Author AA, Author BB, Author CC. Year. Article title. Journal title abbreviation. Volume(issue):pages.
Online Journal Article
Author AA, Author BB, Author CC.. Year. Article title. Journal title abbreviation. [accessed Year Mon Day];Volume(issue):pages. Notes.
Note: Online article citations contain the day accessed. The notes contains the article URL or the DOI a (unique identifier for each article) if available.
Author AA, Author BB, Author CC. Year. Title. Edition. Place of publication: publisher. Extent. Notes.
Note: Extent and notes are optional. Extent can include information about pagination or number of volumes. Notes can include other useful information, such as a URL for online works.
Chapter in an edited book
Author AA, Author BB, Author CC. Year. Title of chapter. In: Editor names(s), editor(s). Book title. Edition. Place of publication: publisher. Extent. Notes.
Further help
For more help with CSE and in depth examples, check out the CSE Citation Guide: https://guides.library.ualberta.ca/citing/cse