
Worksheet 4.2: Campaign Planning Checklist

Download PDF (4.2 Campaign Planning Checklist)

Timing and Timeline

Will you be ready for the demands on your time and attention when you launch the campaign?

What external events, seasonal activities, or community schedules do you need to consider?

How long will the campaign need to run?

Implementation: Plan for the change process

Who will be your main partners and/or community champions during the campaign?

Have you received any formal approval that you might need from the community and/or sponsor to run the campaign?

Will you need to provide any ICT training to community members before the campaign begins?

Promotion, costs, community data

How will you make community members aware of the campaign?

How many community members do you expect to participate in the campaign?

Have you calculated all the costs associated with the campaign?









ICT-related costs to you and/or the sponsor?

ICT-related costs to community members?

Other costs to you and/or the sponsor?

Other costs to community members?

Security and privacy

Who will have administrative access to the ICT platform? How will you manage admin access?

Have you identified and made plans to mitigate any information security or privacy concerns related to ICT use during the campaign?

Will you need pre-approval to share or disclose user information in the debrief memo?

Learning: Plan for evaluation

Have you created an evaluation plan?

Do you have the resources you will need to collect evaluation information for the campaign?

Do you have a backup plan if the campaign runs into unexpected difficulties?

Ending the Campaign

Have you collected all the information you need for your evaluation plan?

What is the status of the ICT platform?







Continue using it

Shut it down and try something else

Pause and consult with community

Will you need to make any changes to admin access on the ICT platform? Is user data secure?