
Worksheet 1.4: Planning and Managing a Campaign

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A well-defined campaign goal includes three important details. Complete these sentences based on the details in Part D of the case study:

The specific target of the campaign was to:

The specific activity of the campaign was:

The community of practice involved in this campaign was:


Review Case Study PART F


Discuss these questions with your group and write down your answers.

1.) What key factor influenced the decision on when the campaign would take place?  How long did the campaign run?





2.) What other kinds of factors might influence the timing or duration of a campaign?





3.) The case study describes some of the activities of the Tech Steward prior to the launch of the campaign.  What were they?





4.) In this case, did the Tech Steward or the community require any special training, administrative approval, or financial support to set up the technology for the campaign?





5.) Imagine the details of the case were different.  Can you suggest an example of a choice of ICT tool or platform that would require special training, administrative approval, or financial support?





6.) The case study describes some of the activities of the Tech Steward at the end of the campaign. What were they?






7.) How did the Tech Steward collect information to assess whether the campaign had met its objective?

  • Before the campaign:




  • During the campaign:




  • After the campaign:





8.) Based on the Results and Conclusion section of the case study, what impact did the Tech Steward and the campaign have on this community of practice?