Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Does a student have to make a clinical error in order to enter the algorithm?

A. No. If there are deficiencies in the student knowledge, skills, or attitude that creates the potential for an error, or risk to safety, that is sufficient evidence to enter the algorithm.

Q. If the student and I enter the algorithm, and their practice improves with feedback, but then a new concern arises, do I start again at the beginning of the process?

A. No. Once a student and instructor enter into the algorithm process, even if a student ‘fixes’ a concern, any further concerns with practice are subsumed under the intial concern. Thus, any subsequent concerns are indicative of a pattern of underperformance and would warrant consultation with the faculty navigators and PIP.

Q. What is meant by the term ‘global underperformance’?

A. Global underperformance reflects the learner that consistently struggles to make and maintain growth in the course. Instructors may see that there are clinical concerns that span over multiple domains, and just as one practice issue is resolved, another practice concern arises. Global underperformance may indicate a student that practice concerns may not be resolvable in the confines of the clinical course time. A consultation with the Faculty Navigators, BScN Student Chair, or PN Chairperson is warranted.


Q. How will an instructor know if a student’s underperformance is due to a fitness to practice concern?

A. Fitness for practice includes (but is not limited to) having the consistent ability to: meet the physical demands of the clinical rotation, think critically, perform complex calculations, make appropriate judgments, sustain focus and concentration, communicate effectively, and learn and recall complex concepts and skills appropriate to the clinical setting and the year of the program. It may not be easy t

Q. What Polytechnic supports exist for students?

A. Supports can be clustered by the following needs:

  • Learning supports: Students can access learning strategists via the RDP library site to address needs with time management skills, organizational skills, study skills, and textbook reading skills. Students with documented disability that affects learning or mental health may benefit from connecting with Accessibility Services. Student Connect Centre can assist with academic advising for students.
  • Personal supports: Students may need to access a number of personal supports on-campus, including counselling services. The Counselling Centre provides a number of sessions and resouces to support personal wellbeing. The Health, Safety, and Wellness Centre provides health promotion, incident reporting, and nursing care for students.
  • International Student supports:  RDP International offers programs, in-person, and virtual resources for International students. ESL tutoring is also available via the RDP Library resources. There is a mentorship program in place for international students as well.


©Maggie Convey, 2022


Clinical Instruction in Nursing Programs Copyright © by Maggie Convey. All Rights Reserved.

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