
2 Appendix A WRAP Feedback



Tell me how you thought that went”




The instructor asks the student for their own reflection, including areas of strength and areas for future improvement.


“I agree with you that …., and I also noticed….”



The instructor reinforces and affirms what the student has had success with. Additionally, the instructor adds to what went well with their own feedback.


“While x went well, I noticed that…”




Here the instructor acknowledges the areas for future growth, including those not reflected on by the student, and identifies specifically what was not consistent with expectation.


“Let’s talk about how to change this for next time”


The instructor and student discuss a plan to have a different outcome for the next occurrence. The student should drive this conversation, and offer up ideas of strategies that may have worked previously.

Besse, C., & Vogelsang, L. (2018). The WRAP: An alternative to sandwich feedback in clinical nursing education. Journal of Nursing Education, 57(9), 570.


Clinical Instruction in Nursing Programs Copyright © by Maggie Convey. All Rights Reserved.

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