
3 Appendix B: Sample Email to Student

Maggie Convey

Hello [student],

On [date] during your clinical shift on [unit/placement] of [course name and number], your clinical practice was unsafe for the following reasons: (detail attributes of unsafe practice)

Prior to your next clinical shift, I recommend that you complete the following remedial activities: (detail in-situ remediation needed). On your next clinical day, you can expect that you will be: (detail expectations for clinical day). Following your clinical shift, we will meet to discuss your continued performance. If you do not complete the remedial work as detailed above, you will be removed from the clinical course and assigned a grade of ‘F’ for continued unsafe practice. If you have any questions, or would like further information, please do not hesitate to reach out. It is my goal that students are successful and safe in clinical. In order to attend your next clinical day, please respond to this email acknowledging you have read and acknowledge this message.

Thank you,



Clinical Instruction in Nursing Programs Copyright © by Maggie Convey. All Rights Reserved.

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