

This book was co-created with graduate students in the Master’s of Education, Leading and Learning in a Digital Age Program (2020-21). We were delighted to work with the same project team as our first volume. Dr. Verena Roberts taught the third course in the program and helped students conceptualize and draft their chapters; she offered ongoing feedback to the students and connected students with outside experts. Dr. Roberts also reflected on her experiences and included this as a final chapter in this volume. Nicole Neutzling is graduate of the program and worked with Dr. Roberts during the third course and provided editing and support for the students as they drafted their chapters. Dr. Barbara Brown, an associate professor and academic coordinator for the program, taught the fourth course in the program and offered feedback to the students when they were preparing early drafts. She also worked with Dr. Michele Jacobsen, professor in the Learning Sciences, to edit subsequent versions of the chapters after students completed the program. Christie Hurrell, Director Lab Next, Libraries and Cultural Resources, helped set-up and finalize the Pressbook with tags for all the images and media. Mia Travers-Hayward helped edit and organize the chapters, and finalize the layout of the book.

We would like to thank the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning at the University of Calgary for supporting open education projects. Thank you to the two OTESSA peer-reviewers for their suggestions and help with strengthening our conference proceedings that were later remixed as the introductory chapter for this book. We would like to thank the professional copyeditor who reviewed all of the student chapters prior to publication. Thank you to Robert Brown, an undergraduate student at the University of Calgary, for creating the original book cover and providing us with a revised version for Volume 2. The Cover Photo: Colourbox.com was selected for the first volume of the book to illustrate the balance that is needed when navigating multiple ethical perspectives and technological advancements. We decided to keep the same image for the second volume with a slight colour change to highlight the new volume number. We also recognize this volume was created during the COVID-19 global pandemic and demonstrates many of the technological and ethical challenges that were relevant for graduate students in their professional practice during this time period.

Thank you to all students in the Master’s of Education, Leading and Learning in a Digital Age cohort (2020-21) for contributing chapters and for their involvement in this project beyond the duration of their enrolment in the program. Volume 2 would not have been possible without the dedication of our graduate students and all the external content experts who provided the students with guidance and feedback for their chapters.

We also acknowledge the support of Libraries and Cultural Resources, University of Calgary and the University of Alberta Library in the production of this book.

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