
Supporting People Living with a Disability

There are many ways to support persons living with a disability to live a life of social inclusion and opportunity. Araten-Bergman (2023) described supports as services and programs that improve personal growth, hobbies, skills, and chances to lead a satisfying life.

Supports can come from family and friends, regular service providers, or organizations dedicated to helping people with disabilities. To support individuals with disabilities, it is crucial to establish inclusive surroundings, offer tailored aid, and encourage self-sufficiency. Showing respect and understanding, engaging in attentive listening, fostering accessibility, and implementing necessary modifications are key elements of ensuring persons with disabilities are included and supported. Championing disability rights, shaping policies, and increasing awareness will help to combat stereotypes and prejudice. Assisting individuals with disabilities will enable them to become members of a more inclusive community.


Araten-Bergman, T. (2023). Support planning with people with disabilities. In C. Bigby & A. Hough (Eds.) Disability practice. Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-6143-6_10


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Introduction to Community Support Work Copyright © by Janna McCaskill and Leonce Rushubirwa is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.