How Community Wahkohtowin Principles Contribute to Community Development
The Wahkohtowin concept, based on Cree teachings, emphasizes the importance of family bonds, relationships, and shared responsibilities. According to NorQuest College (2024), “Wahkohtowin is a Cree concept of connectedness. We are focused on relationships, as we are all connected.” Whitstone (as cited in Smith, 2019) expanded the definition, stating
What we do, and how we act in the world, has a direct effect on everything around us. This is Wahkohtowin, too, and it means that we have to consider our relations with everything as walk upon the Earth. Each step must be meaningful, and ideally, positive. Each action must reflect our responsibility to all creatures, and the future (para. 19).
Incorporating Wahkohtowin into community development involves strengthening connections, fostering respect and collaboration, encouraging shared accountability and teamwork, adopting a holistic approach to development, preserving cultural values, promoting understanding and gratitude, and creating a supportive environment.
Enhancing relationships, connections, and social ties can be accomplished through community events, inclusive participation, mentorship initiatives, community agreements, and conflict resolution methods. Encouraging collaborative leadership, cooperative structures, and skill-building is crucial, as addressing all aspects of community life is essential for overall growth. Integrating arts education and preservation into academic programs and community projects, with active participation from elders, can further nurture empathy and comprehension. Empathy and awareness can be fostered through storytelling, diversity programs, and anti-racism training. Establishing a welcoming environment is vital for the well-being and advancement of all community members, where safe spaces enable open dialogues free from judgment.
The authors of this book have included a section on Wahkohtowin because it is essential for both students and educators to appreciate its importance. Wahkohtowin emphasizes kinship, relationships, and the connections among all people, regardless of their backgrounds. Gaining knowledge about this concept encourages human rights, empathy, respect, and relationships that create a sense of belonging. The image below is a representation of Wahkohtowin principles.

Incorporating Wahkohtowin into community work involves strengthening people’s connections, fostering respect and collaboration, encouraging shared accountability and teamwork, adopting a holistic approach to development, preserving cultural values, promoting understanding and gratitude, and creating a supportive environment.
Enhancing relationships, connections, and social ties can be accomplished through community events, inclusive participation, mentorship initiatives, community agreements, and conflict resolution methods. As students advance in their education and eventually graduate, it is important for them to understand and implement the principles of Wahkohtowin in their future careers. Additionally, since students at institutions like NorQuest College come from diverse cultural backgrounds, understanding, reflecting upon, and applying Wahkohtowin principles helps them connect with one another. Acknowledging the interconnectedness of all things prepares students to incorporate Wahkohtowin not only in their professional endeavours, but in every aspect of their lives.
NorQuest College. (2024). Indigenous student services.
Smith, A. D. (2019, February 25). Wahkohtowin: A Cree way of living. The Tyee.
Image Credit
Figure 2: Community Wahkotowin principles by Janna McCaskill and Leonce Rushubirwa for NorQuest College. Used with permission.
The way of life and traditions of a group of people in a specific place or environment.
Approaching things with a view of the whole, considering all aspects. An example is considering the physical, social, emotional, and spiritual well-being of an individual, community, or society.