Empowering People Living with a Disability
People with Disability Australia (2023) explained that, according to the social model of disability, disability arises from social elements and interactions between individuals with disabilities and their surroundings, such as communities. Thus, the physical, attitudinal, linguistic, and social environments must be adjusted to enable the full participation of persons with disabilities in society. The model is globally acknowledged and is rooted in the United Nations Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities, which understands individuals with disabilities to be holders of rights and independence, rather than having to depend on charity, medical treatment, or social assistance (People with Disability Australia, 2023).
In comparison, the medical model considers disability a health concern that medical professionals address as a personal issue, separate from what is considered typical or atypical. A social model of care is more holistic, comprehensive, and works to provide opportunity and empowerment in various parts of the person’s life by considering individual needs, preference, strengths, and areas requiring support.
Creating equal opportunities for individuals with disabilities should improve social outcomes, however, barriers that stem from attitudes have a greater impact than physical limitations and financial obstacles (Samuel & Jacob, 2018). Recognizing personal experiences is crucial. Disability is not solely about human rights; it also significantly influences development and impacts the Millennium Development Goals, which include eradicating extreme poverty, achieving universal primary education, promoting gender equality, reducing child mortality, and improving maternal health. Additionally, these goals aim to combat diseases, ensure environmental sustainability, and establish a global development partnership (Sustainable Development Goals Fund, 2018, para. 1).
Providing inclusion, access to services, and independence for people living with a disability will help to improve the Millennium Development Goal outcomes. Taking the lead in advocating for the rights of individuals with disabilities is vital for healthcare professionals and frontline workers. A truly advanced society is one that ensures every member has the chance to reach their full potential.
- Select two types of disabilities and discuss their meanings, causes, impacts on individuals, categorization (physical or mental), and ways to provide support.
- Identify three effective strategies to empower individuals with disabilities, provide examples for each, and explain their significance.
People With Disability Australia. (2023). Social model of disability. https://pwd.org.au/resources/models-of-disability/#
Samuel, R., & Jacob, K. S. (2018). Empowering people with disabilities. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, 40(4), 381–384. https://doi.org/10.4103/ijpsym.ijpsym_90_18
Sustainable Development Goals Fund. (2018). From MDGs to SDGs. https://www.sdgfund.org/mdgs-sdgs
Approaching things with a view of the whole, considering all aspects. An example is considering the physical, social, emotional, and spiritual well-being of an individual, community, or society.