


The genesis of this work can be traced back at least twenty-two years. With the help of James Nakashima, we presented the first paper iteration of the Bibliography at a Canadian Psychological Association conference in Winnipeg in 2002.


The critical build of this resource tool was led by co-author Rylan Boudreau a few years later. She essentially created a manual which set out the processes for transferring earlier versions of the Burnout Bibliography along with previously published, paper bibliographies into an Endnote form/file. With this template and approach she was also able to review multiple, relevant databases and providers for any new burnout references that could be added to our growing bibliography of burnout references and abstracts. Rylan’s creativity and efforts provided the foundation for the continual build of what is now the current version of the Bibliography. Thank you, Rylan Jules.


From 2009 to 2021, we have presented the “latest” versions of our Burnout Bibliography at conferences in Puerto Rico, the US, and Switzerland. Amanda Mauthe who worked on our team during that time gave the last, in-person presentation of the burnout bibliographic results in 2019 in Philadelphia. Thank you, Amanda, for your unwavering support and contributions to the project.


A special thanks to co-author Rumi Graham, Alyssa White, and Miranda Gangur-Powell who together as the “project closing team” created the Pressbook and Zotero 2024 versions of the Boudreau Burnout Bibliography that you see here.


And finally, to my co-author, Wyatt Boudreau, words cannot express my gratitude for all that you have done to ensure that the Bibliography continued to grow and flourish under your tutelage. It is never easy to work for a boss that is also a parent. Just ask Rylan!


Thank you, Wyatt for your patience and seeing this 20-year plus project to its successful conclusion and emergence into the public domain!


Bob Boudreau

February 2, 2024


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The Boudreau Burnout Bibliography: 1957 to 2023 Copyright © 2024 by Bob Boudreau, Rumi Graham, Wyatt Boudreau, and Rylan Boudreau is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.