
About this Guide

Welcome to Athabasca University’s OER by Discipline Guide! Building on the successes of many OER by Discipline guides before it, this resource contains suggestions of open educational resources (OER) for courses offered at Athabasca University.


Searching for OER can be a daunting and time-consuming task. It has been identified as an ongoing challenge by instructors and librarians alike. This guide was developed with the goal of facilitating the discovery and use of OER at Athabasca University by presenting instructors (and students) with suggestions of free and open teaching and learning resources in their subject areas.

This guide was heavily inspired by the one created at the University of Calgary and others (see Credits). Like other lists of this type, it is not comprehensive and will continue to be a work in progress. While OER can take on many formats, this guide is limited to textbooks.

It is also worth noting that recommendations are based on subject matter relevance, not content. The quality of each recommended OER must be assessed individually.

We hope that as AU faculty, instructors, or students, you will find this guide helpful as you consider the options available for quality, open educational resources for your courses.


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OER by Discipline Guide: Athabasca University Copyright © 2023 by Dan Cockcroft is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.