
14 Health Administration

Data Analytics and Decision Making

Ali AbdulHussein (University of Windsor)


Licence: CC BY

Data analytics is a rapidly evolving field. In today’s labour market, knowing how to acquire, process, and interpret large amounts of data to make optimal decisions is crucial for many professionals, especially those in business and engineering. This open textbook, “a new online course” if you will, focuses on three key concept areas: data acquisition, data processing, and decision-making models. In this course, students will be able to develop advanced knowledge and skills to acquire related data for operations of business or projects; apply quantitative literacy skills such as statistics and machine learning; and use predictive or prescriptive modeling to make timely, actionable, and meaningful decisions.

Formats: Pressbooks webbook, EPUB, PDF, and more

Suggested for: HADM 399

Driving Change in the Health Sector: An Integrated Approach

Madelyn P. Law (Brock University), Caitlin Muhl (Queen’s University), Sinéad McElhone (Niagara Region Public Health), Robert W. Smith (University of Toronto), Karen A. Patte (Brock University), Asif Khowaja (Brock University), Sherri Hannell (Niagara Region), LLana James (Queen’s University), Robyn K. Rowe (Health Data Research Network Canada), Elaina Orlando (Niagara Health), Jayne Morrish (Brock University), Kristin Mechelse (Niagara Region), Noah James (Brock University), Lidia Mateus (Brock University), and Megan Magier (Brock University) 


Licence: CC BY-NC

With its chapters on data literacy, data for equitable change, implementing change, knowledge translation and exchange, and health economics, this book will provide valuable information for students and practitioners to consider when exploring how to use evidence to drive change in the health sector.

Formats: Pressbooks webbook, EPUB, and PDF

Suggested for: HADM 235

Foundations of Epidemiology

Marit L. Bovbjerg (Oregon State University)


Licence: CC BY-NC

Foundations of Epidemiology is an open access, introductory epidemiology text intended for students and practitioners in public or allied health fields. It covers epidemiologic thinking, causality, incidence and prevalence, public health surveillance, epidemiologic study designs and why we care about which one is used, measures of association, random error and bias, confounding and effect modification, and screening. Concepts are illustrated with numerous examples drawn from contemporary and historical public health issues.

Formats: Pressbooks webbook, EPUB, PDF, and MOBI

Suggested for: HADM 379

Fundamentals of Clinical Data Science

Springer Nature


Licence: CC BY

This open access book covers the fundamentals of clinical data science, focusing on data collection, modelling and clinical applications. Topics covered in the first section on data collection include: data sources, data at scale (big data), data stewardship (FAIR data) and related privacy concerns.

Formats: PDF

Suggested for: HADM 399

The Fundamentals of Healthcare Administration: Navigating Challenges and Coordinating Care

Whitney N. Hamilton, Dorothy J. Howell, Melissa Jordan (University of North Georgia)


Licence: CC BY-SA

This book is written for those interested in acquiring a thorough knowledge base relative to the intricacies of the organizational theories, customs, and insights significant to the management of health service organizations. It examines the foundational aspects of leadership and management as they relate to establishing and maintaining the principles and practices within healthcare organizations. The book opens with a discussion on the differences between health, healthcare, and health care while providing an overview of healthcare management and organizational trends. It culminates in discussions of leadership, management, motivation, organizational behavior, and management thinking. Additionally, it discusses topics of information technology, teamwork, health disparities, organizational culture, performance, and change.

Formats: PDF

Suggested for: HADM 235

Health Promotion in Health Care: Vital Theories and Research

Springer Nature


Licence: CC BY

This open access book first discusses the theory of health promotion and vital concepts. It then presents updated evidence-based health promotion approaches in different populations (people with chronic diseases, cancer, heart failure, dementia, mental disorders, long-term ICU patients, elderly individuals, families with newborn babies, palliative care patients) and examines different health promotion approaches integrated into primary care services.

Formats: PDF

Suggested for: HADM 336

Leadership in Healthcare and Public Health

Ohio State University


Licence: CC BY

This book is a reflection of a diverse group of graduate students from health services, health management, health professions and a diverse group of mid-career professionals engaged in obtaining a Master of Public Health at The Ohio State University College of Public Health.

Formats: Online, PDF

Suggested for: HADM 315/336

Organising Care Around Patients: Stories from the Frontline of the NHS

Naomi Chambers, Jeremy Taylor
Licence: CC BY

This open access book covers patient-centred healthcare by listening closely to those at the frontline. It provides accounts from patients, carers and healthcare professionals who are patients about what it’s like when services get it right, and wrong.

Formats: PDF

Suggested for: HADM 399

Overview of: Healthcare Compliance

Sarah Godwin Brinson, Lesley Clack, Larecia Money Gill, Laura Kim Gosa (University of North Georgia)


Licence: CC BY-SA

An overview of healthcare compliance, including chapters on Ethics and Law, Health Insurance & Reimbursement, Quality Improvement, Strategic Planning, Managing Healthcare Professionals & Strategic Management of Human Resources, Healthcare Technology, and Special Topics and Emerging Issues in Healthcare Management.

Formats: PDF

Suggested for: HADM 400

Public Health Ethics: Cases Spanning the Globe

Peter G. Smith, Richard H. Morrow, and David A. Ross

Licence: CC BY-NC

This LibreTexts resource has been contributed to by international institutions including Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO). It covers what public health is, ethics, and public health decision making.

Formats: Online, PDF

Suggested for: HADM 235

Safer Healthcare: Strategies for the Real World

Charles Vincent, René Amalberti


Licence: CC BY-NC

Topics covered include Health Administration; Quality Control, Reliability, Safety and Risk; Quality of Life Research; Practice and Hospital Management.

Formats: PDF

Suggested for: HADM 488


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