
4 Business – General

Building Relationships with Business Communication

Linda Macdonald (Dalhousie University)


Licence: CC BY-NC-SA

Building Relationships With Business Communication combines some of the best available open access content for introductory courses in business communication and supplements this content with new material on personal and social identity; rhetorical listening; inclusive language; storytelling; and territorial Land Acknowledgements. The textbook is focused on a Canadian audience of first-year Commerce students. H5P interactive content, the infusion of real-world examples, and an engaging layout make this textbook highly readable for this audience.

Format: Online

Suggested for: ADMN 233

Business Communication for Success

University of Minnesota Libraries


Licence: CC BY-NC-SA


Business Communication for Success provides a comprehensive, integrated approach to the study and application of written and oral business communication. The text includes learning objectives, exercises, real-world examples, key terms, and post-chapter assessments. Each chapter is self-contained, allowing for mix-and-match flexibility and custom or course-specific design. The first three chapters form the core foundation for the study of oral and written business communication. The next sequence of chapters focuses on the process of writing, then oral performance with an emphasis on results. The final sequence of chapters focuses on contexts where business communication occurs, from interpersonal to intercultural and from groups to leadership.
Format: Online, PDF, and more
Suggested for: ADMN 233

Business Computers 365

Marcus Lacher (Minnesota State Community & Technical College)


Licence: CC BY-NC-SA

Intro to Computer Applications or Business Computers for Office 365.

Formats: Online and PDF


Suggested for: CMIS 245

Business Ethics

Stephen M. Byars (USC Marshall School of Business) and Kurt Stanberry (University of Houston-Downtown) (OpenStax)


Licence: CC BY

Business Ethics is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of the single-semester business ethics course. This title includes innovative features designed to enhance student learning, including case studies, application scenarios, and links to video interviews with executives, all of which help instill in students a sense of ethical awareness and responsibility.

Formats: Online and PDF; online LibreTexts version

The Business Ethics Workshop

James Brusseau (Pace University) (Saylor Foundation)


Licence: CC BY-NC-SA

Ethics is about determining value; it’s deciding what’s worth doing and what doesn’t matter so much. Business ethics is the way we decide what kind of career to pursue, what choices we make on the job, which companies we want to work with, and what kind of economic world we want to live in and then leave behind for those coming after. There are no perfect answers to these questions, but there’s a difference between thinking them through and winging it. The Business Ethics Workshop provides a framework for identifying, analyzing, and resolving ethical dilemmas encountered through working life.

Format: PDF

Business Law I: Essentials – OpenStax

Mirande Valbrune (Esq. Employment Lawyer), Renee De Assis (Texas Woman’s University), Suzanne Cardell (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth), Tess C. Taylor (Walden University), Dr. Natalie Sappleton (Smartly Institute), C. M. Mitchell (Ashford University), and Kenneth Mitchell-Phillips (Portland Community College)


Licence: CC BY

Business Law I Essentials is a brief introductory textbook designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of courses on Business Law or the Legal Environment of Business. The concepts are presented in a streamlined manner, and cover the key concepts necessary to establish a strong foundation in the subject. The textbook follows a traditional approach to the study of business law. Each chapter contains learning objectives, explanatory narrative and concepts, references for further reading, and end-of-chapter questions.

Formats: Online, PDF, EPUB, and more


Suggested for: EBSL 631

Business Math I

OER Lab (Ontario Tech University)


Licence: CC BY-NC-SA

This book is aimed at university business students as an introduction to the mathematics required for the field of business. This textbook covers the fundamentals of business precalculus, finance, as well as the applications to general business management, human resources and the economy, marketing and accounting.

Formats: Online


Suggested for: ADMN 100

Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook

Jean-Paul Olivier (Red Deer College) (Lyryx)


Licence: CC BY-NC-SA

Business Mathematics was written to meet the needs of a twenty-first-century student. It takes a systematic approach to help students learn how to think and centers on a structured process termed the PUPP Model (Plan, Understand, Perform, and Present). This process is found throughout the text and in every guided example to help students develop a step-by-step problem-solving approach.

This textbook simplifies and integrates annuity types and variable calculations, utilizes relevant algebraic symbols, and is integrated with the Texas Instruments BAII+ calculator. It also contains structured exercises, annotated and detailed formulas, and relevant personal and professional applications in discussion, guided examples, case studies, and even homework questions.

Format: PDF


Suggested for: ADMN 100

Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook Abridged

Sanja Krajisnik, Carol Leppinen, and Jelena Loncar-Vines (Conestoga College)


Licence: CC BY-NC-SA

This book provides an introduction to a variety of topics in business math including simple and compound interest, annuities, payment schedules, mortgages, and more. This supplemental textbook covers topics from Chapters 8 to 13 inclusive, adapted from the original Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook by J. Olivier and Lyryx Learning Inc. providing extra resources, examples, and storytelling activities.

Formats: Online and EPUB

Suggested for: ADMN 100

Business Plan Development Guide

Lee A. Swanson (University of Saskatchewan)


Licence: CC BY-SA

This textbook and its accompanying spreadsheet templates were designed with and for students wanting a practical and easy-to-follow guide for developing a business plan. It follows a unique format that both explains what to do and demonstrates how to do it.

Formats: Online, EPUB, PDF, and MOBI

Business Writing Style Guide

John Morris and Julie Zwart (Oregon State University)


Licence: CC BY-NC-SA


The goals of this book are to help students: apply basic concepts for effective and concise business writing; compile a well written report acceptable within a business context; follow a writing process designed for business students; demonstrate critical thinking, reasoning, and persuasion; communicate in writing using a business model; apply resources for improving business writing skills.

Format: EPUB, PDF

Suggested for: ADMN 233

Communication for Business Professionals – Canadian Edition

Ontario Business Faculty and eCampusOntario Program Managers


Licence: CC BY-SA

This book provides a comprehensive, integrated approach to the study and application of written and oral business communication to serve both student and professor. The text includes a number of features such as learning objectives, exercises, real-world examples, key terms, and post-chapter assessments. This text is adapted from Business Communication for Success. This 2018 adaptation has significantly reduced the size and scope of the original publication and added Canadian examples.

Formats: Online, EPUB, PDF, MOBI, and more

Suggested for: ADMN 233

The Cost of Being Landlocked: Logistics Costs and Supply Chain Reliability

Jean-François Arvis, Gaël Raballand, Jean-François Marteau (World Bank)


Licence: CC BY

This open access book proposes a revised approach to tackling the cost of being landlocked and a new analytical framework which uses a microeconomic approach to assess the trade and macroeconomic impacts of logistics. It argues that: (i) exporters and importers in landlocked developing countries face high logistics costs, which are highly detrimental to their competitiveness in world markets, (ii) high logistics costs depend on low logistics reliability and predictability, and (iii) low logistics reliability and predictability result mostly from rent-seeking and governance issues (prone to proliferate in low volume environments).

Format: PDF


Suggested for: MGSC 418, LSCM 550, RSCM 689

Developing Organizational and Managerial Wisdom – 2nd Edition

Brad C. Anderson (Kwantlen Polytechnic University)


Licence: CC BY-NC-SA

This book presents the results of novel research into the dynamics of values, rationality, and power in organizations. Through this understanding, readers will gain insights and frameworks with which to understand the actions of others within their environment.

Formats: Online

Suggested for: ORGB 327, ORGB 364, LMOC 551

Essentials of Project Management

Adam Farag (Fanshawe College) 


Licence: CC BY-NC-SA

The Essentials of Project Management is designed specifically for college students enrolled in a business program including business accounting, administration, supply chain and human resources. It describes the project management process and the role of the project manager in implementing such a process. The book is designed to help students build understanding of the importance and applications of project management.

Formats: Online, EPUB and PDF

Suggested for: MGSC 205, EEPM 675

Fundamentals of Business, 4th edition

Stephen Skripak and Ron Poff (Virginia Tech)


Licence: CC BY-NC-SA

Fundamentals of Business, 4th Edition is an open education resource intended to serve as a no-cost, faculty-customizable primary text for one-semester undergraduate introductory business courses. It covers the following topics in business: Teamwork; economics; ethics; entrepreneurship; business ownership, management, and leadership; organizational structures and operations management; human resources and motivating employees; managing in labor union contexts; marketing and pricing strategy; hospitality and tourism, accounting and finance, personal finances, and technology in business.

Format: Online, PDF, eBook

Suggested for: ADMN 201

Fundamentals of Business: Canadian Edition

Business Faculty from Ontario Colleges and eCampusOntario Program Managers


Licence: CC BY-NC-SA

An introductory textbook in business that covers a variety of topics: The Foundation of Business, Economics and Business, Ethics and Social Responsibility, Business in a Global Environment, Forms of Business Ownership, Entrepreneurship: Starting a Business, Management and Leadership, Structuring Organizations, Operations Management, Motivating Employees, Management Human Resources, Union/Management Issues, Marketing: Providing Value, Accounting and Financial Information, and Personal Finances.

This textbook was developed by business faculty from Ontario Colleges and from eCampusOntario program managers. It incorporates introductory business topics, from ethics to marketing to entrepreneurship, in a Canadian context. It has received positive faculty reviews.

Formats: Online, EPUB, PDF, MOBI, and more

Suggested for: ADMN 201

Fundamentals of Business Law

Melissa Randall (Community College of Denver Students)


Licence: CC BY

An undergraduate business law textbook written by Melissa Randall and Community College of Denver Students in collaboration with lawyers and business professionals for use in a required 200-level business law courses in the United States. This book is a introductory survey of the legal topics required in undergraduate business law classes.

Formats: Online


Suggested for: EBSL 631

Fundamentals of Global Strategy

Cornelis A. de Kluyver (University of Oregon) and Saylor Academy 


Licence: CC BY-NC-SA

Crafting a global strategy requires making decisions about which strategy elements can and should be globalized and to what extent, and de Kluyver’s Fundamentals of Global Strategy can help you illuminate these facts to your students. Fundamentals of Global Strategy poses the following questions for your students to analyze:

  • What markets and/or regions should a company compete in and why?
  • To what degree can and should products and services be standardized?
  • Is it advantageous to adopt a more or less uniform market positioning worldwide?
  • What value-added activities should it keep in-house, outsource, or relocate for competitive advantage?
  • How can competitive responses be most effectively coordinated on a global basis?

Formats: Online, PDF

Suggested for: ECON 401, EMGT 692, ENVS 689

Global Business

Jacobus Boers (Georgia State University) 


Licence: CC BY

The material presented in this collection is intended for use in teaching a business course that places all traditional disciplinary business courses in a global context. However, this material could also be valuable to any instructor teaching a course such as global business, international business, leading a study abroad program, or a senior-level disciplinary course with international or global business elements in a business college.

Formats: Online, EPUB, PDF, and MOBI

Suggested for: ECON 401

Global Value Chain

Kiranjot Kaur and Iuliia Kau (Conestoga College)


Licence: CC BY-NC-SA

This book guides readers through important aspects of Global Value Chain and explains logistics cycle in detail. By reading this book, learners will learn more about Distribution Logistics, Procurement, Sourcing and Outsourcing, Transportation, Inventory Management, Material Handling, Warehousing, Incoterm Rules, Trade Facilitation and Promotion, Vulnerability in global value chains, Sustainable value chains, Reverse Logistics, Role of ICT in value chain and Humanitarian Logistics.

Formats: Online, PDF

Suggested for: MGSC 418, LSCM 550, RSCM 689

Good Corporation, Bad Corporation: Corporate Social Responsibility in the Global Economy

Guillermo C. Jimenez (Fashion Institute of Technology-SUNY) and Elizabeth Pulos (Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production-WRAP)


Licence: CC BY-NC-SA

This textbook provides an innovative, internationally-oriented approach to the teaching of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and business ethics. Drawing on case studies involving companies and countries around the world, the textbook explores the social, ethical, and business dynamics underlying CSR in such areas as global warming, genetically-modified organisms (GMO) in food production, free trade and fair trade, anti-sweatshop and living-wage movements, organic foods and textiles, ethical marketing practices and codes, corporate speech and lobbying, and social enterprise. The book is designed to encourage students and instructors to challenge their own assumptions and prejudices by stimulating a class debate based on each case study.

Formats: Online, PDF, and EPUB

Suggested for: ECON 401, INTR 483, POEC 483 EMGT 692

Introduction to Logistics

Robert Adzija and Michael Kukhta (Conestoga College)


Licence: CC BY-NC-SA

This OER is an introduction to logistics with a focus on moving and storing products in supply chains. This resource includes interactive components, activities, and links to external resources that will inspire learners to deepen their understanding of logistics in supply chains.

Formats: Online, PDF

Suggested for: LOSL 559

Introductory Business Statistics

Alexander Holmes (University of Oklahoma), Barbara Illowsky (De Anza College), and Susan Dean (De Anza College) 


Licence: CC BY

Introductory Business Statistics is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of the one-semester statistics course for business, economics, and related majors. Core statistical concepts and skills have been augmented with practical business examples, scenarios, and exercises. The result is a meaningful understanding of the discipline, which will serve students in their business careers and real-world experiences.

Formats: Online and PDF

Suggested for: MGSC 301, MGSC 312

Introductory Business Statistics with Interactive Spreadsheets – 1st Canadian Edition  

Mohammad Mahbobi (Thompson Rivers University) and Thomas K. Tiemann (Elon University)


Licence: CC BY

Introductory Business Statistics with Interactive Spreadsheets – 1st Canadian Edition is an adaptation of Thomas K. Tiemann’s book, Introductory Business Statistics. In addition to covering basics such as populations, samples, the difference between data and information, and sampling distributions, descriptive statistics and frequency distributions, normal and t-distributions, hypothesis testing, t-tests, f-tests, analysis of variance, non-parametric tests, and regression basics, the following information has been added: the chi-square test and categorical variables, null and alternative hypotheses for the test of independence, simple linear regression model, least squares method, coefficient of determination, confidence interval for the average of the dependent variable, and prediction interval for a specific value of the dependent variable. This new edition also allows readers to learn the basic and most commonly applied statistical techniques in business in an interactive way — when using the web version — through interactive Excel spreadsheets. All information has been revised to reflect Canadian content.

Formats: Online, EPUB, PDF, and MOBI

Suggested for: MGSC 301, MGSC 312

Inventory Analytics

Roberto Rossi (University of Edinburgh)


Licence: CC BY

Inventory Analytics provides an introduction to the theory and practice of inventory control. The book outlines the foundations of inventory systems and surveys prescriptive analytics models for deterministic inventory control. It further discusses predictive analytics techniques for demand forecasting in inventory control and also examines prescriptive analytics models for stochastic inventory control.

Formats: PDF

Leading Innovation

Kerri Shields (Centennial College) 


Licence: CC BY-NC-SA

Innovation today considers the economic, environmental, and/or social sustainability of an innovative initiative from its inception or idea generation through to its commercialization or implementation. This concept applies to many types of innovation such as products, processes, services, technologies, and business models. Companies use innovation as a means to gain a competitive advantage and bring value to business stakeholders.  This book introduces business innovation, from incremental innovation such as enhancing the performance of an existing product, service, or process, to radical or disruptive innovation such as one that has a significant impact on a market. The content examines how leaders foster a culture of innovation, how companies turn creativity into innovation, and how innovation transforms not only organizations but economies as well.

Formats: Online, EPUB, PDF, and more

Suggested for: ADMN 415, EFNC 609, EKLI 682, ETIM 686, LTIN 576

Loss Data Analytics

Actuarial Community


Licence: CC BY

Loss Data Analytics is an interactive, online, freely available text. It provides core training on one of the foundations of actuarial science, loss data modeling. This open textbook is the first product of the Open Actuarial Textbooks Project and created by the actuarial community.

Formats: Online, EPUB, PDF

Management Communication

Management Communications Group, Marriott School of Business (Brigham Young University)


Licence: CC BY-SA

Communication is the heart of business. Short emails, complex reports, private chats, impassioned pitches, formal presentations, and team meetings move information and ideas around an organization, define strategy, and drive decisions. Business communication is concise, direct, clear, and compelling.

Formats: Online and PDF

Suggested for: ADMN 233

Mastering Strategic Management – 1st Canadian Edition

Janice Edwards (College of the Rockies) 


Licence: CC BY-NC-SA

Mastering Strategic Management is designed to enhance student engagement in three innovative ways. The first is through visual adaptations of the key content in the book. It is well documented that many of today’s students are visual learners. To meet students’ wants and needs (and thereby create a much better teaching experience for professors), Mastering Strategic Management contains multiple graphic concept pages in every section of every chapter of the book. Think of graphic concept pages as almost like infographics for key concepts in each section. This feature sets Mastering Strategic Management apart from any strategic management book on the market today. The second way the authors capture student interest through their textbook is by using a real-world company as the running example in each chapter. For example, Chapter 1 in Mastering Strategic Management utilizes Blackberry to harness the conceptual coverage of the chapter in a running, corporate, application to which students will relate. The third inventive way Mastering Strategic Management holds the attention of strategic management students is through the “strategy at the movies” feature in each chapter that links course concepts with a popular motion picture. The 1st Canadian Edition is an adaptation of Mastering Strategic Management. Adaptations include Canadian-specific content, images, and references, removal of copyright images, and inclusion of PowerPoints, which can be downloaded from the book’s appendix.

Formats: Online, EPUB, PDF, MOBI, and more.

Suggested for: LSMI 571, STMT 500

Next Generation Supply Chains: A Roadmap for Research and Innovation

Rosanna Fornasiero (STIIMA-CNR), Saskia Sardesai (Fraunhofer IML), Ana Cristina Barros (INESC TEC), Aristides Matopoulos (Aston University)


Licence: CC BY

Part One of this open access text focuses on the identification of the trends and related industrial scenarios for the next decade and the analysis of the implications for the Supply Chain (SC) processes and the consequent challenges. Part Two identifies the enabling technologies for SCs. Finally, Part Three presents the roadmap for future SCs proposing 10 SCs strategies and the related research and innovation priorities for the full integration of the production and distribution processes; moreover, in this part policy recommendations are provided to support companies facing cross-sectorial and horizontal issues through suitable policy actions.

Formats: EPUB, PDF


Suggested for: MGSC 418, LSCM 550, RSCM 689

Principles of Management

Anonymous (LibreTexts)


Licence: CC BY-NC-SA

Principles of Management teaches management principles to tomorrow’s business leaders by weaving three threads through every chapter: strategy, entrepreneurship, and active leadership.

Formats: Online and PDF

Suggested for: ORGB 327, ORGB 364, LMOC 551

Principles of Management

David S. Bright (Wright State University) et al. (OpenStax)


Licence: CC BY

Principles of Management is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of the introductory course on management. This is a traditional approach to management using the leading, planning, organizing, and controlling approach. Management is a broad business discipline, and the Principles of Management course covers many management areas such as human resource management and strategic management, as well behavioral areas such as motivation. No one individual can be an expert in all areas of management, so an additional benefit of this text is that specialists in a variety of areas have authored individual chapters.

Formats: Online and PDF

Suggested for: ORGB 327, ORGB 364, LMOC 551

Responsible Innovation: Ethics, Safety and Technology- 2nd Edition

Joost Groot Kormelink (TU Delft)


Licence: CC BY-NC-SA


This textbook is based on the MOOC Responsible Innovation offered by the TU Delft. It provides a framework to reflect on the ethics and risks of new technologies. How can we make sure that innovations do justice to social and ethical values? How can we minimize (unknown) risks? The book explains: The concept and importance of responsible innovation for society; Key ethical concepts and considerations to analyse the risks of new technologies; Different types of innovation (e.g. radical, niche, incremental, frugal); Roadmap for Responsible Innovation by Industry; The concept of Value Sensitive Design (VSD); and it includes a link to all the web lectures as well as case studies ranging from care robots and nuclear energy to Artificial Intelligence and self-driving vehicles.

Formats: PDF

Suggested for: ADMN 415, EFNC 609, EKLI 682, ETIM 686, LTIN 576

Risk Management for Enterprises and Individuals

Etti Baranoff (Virginia Commonwealth University)


Licence: CC BY-NC-SA

This book is intended for the Risk Management and Insurance course where Risk Management is emphasized. It explores the critical importance of effective risk management in the face of global financial crises, with a specific focus on the 2008 credit crisis. By examining the causes and consequences of this crisis, the book highlights the need for comprehensive risk management strategies and provides valuable insights for businesses, individuals, and governments.

Formats: Online, PDF

Suggested for: FNCE 350, FNCE 403, LRKM 575, RMRR 699

Statistical Foundations of Actuarial Learning and Its Applications

Mario Wüthrich, Michael Merz


Licence: CC BY

This open access book discusses the statistical modeling of insurance problems, a process which comprises data collection, data analysis and statistical model building to forecast insured events that may happen in the future. It presents the mathematical foundations behind these fundamental statistical concepts and how they can be applied in daily actuarial practice. Statistical modeling has a wide range of applications, and, depending on the application, the theoretical aspects may be weighted differently: here the main focus is on prediction rather than explanation. Starting with a presentation of state-of-the-art actuarial models, such as generalized linear models, the book then dives into modern machine learning tools such as neural networks and text recognition to improve predictive modeling with complex features. Providing practitioners with detailed guidance on how to apply machine learning methods to real-world data sets, and how to interpret the results without losing sight of the mathematical assumptions on which these methods are based, the book can serve as a modern basis for an actuarial education syllabus.
Formats: Online
Suggested for: MGSC 301, MGSC 312

Strategic Management

Reed Kennedy (Virginia Tech)


Licence: CC BY-NC-SA

Strategic Management offers an introduction to the key topics and themes of strategic management. The authors draw on examples of familiar companies and personalities to illustrate the different strategies used by today’s firms—and how they go about implementing those strategies. Students will learn how to conduct a case analysis, measure organizational performance, and conduct external and internal analyses. In short, they will understand how organizations operate at the strategic level to be successful.

Formats: Online, online, EPUB, MOBI, and PDF

Suggested for: LSMI 571, STMT 500

The Sustainable Business Case Book

Ross Gittell, Matt Magnusson, and Michael Merenda (University of New Hampshire) and Saylor Academy


Licence: CC BY-NC-SA

The Sustainable Business Case Book provides readers with a broad overview of the core concepts of sustainability and sustainable business practice. It is intended for use in undergraduate business courses and will also be of interest to students in environmental studies, engineering, urban planning, and government. This book is not meant to exhort all business people on the path to sustainability enlightenment but to highlight some of the benefits, opportunities, and challenges associated with sustainable business practices.

What distinguishes this book is that it provides a conceptual foundation to promote understanding of sustainability concepts and frameworks and also discusses real-world business examples of sustainability in action. It is believed that this is the best way to teach sustainability as it applies to the business world—a conceptual foundation with practical application.

Sustainable business involves businesses operating with interest and concern for their long-term economic, environmental, and social impact. For-profit businesses focus first and foremost on their own economic bottom line, oftentimes, with a short-term perspective. However, with a sustainability perspective, businesses also consider a longer-term and broader triple bottom line that takes into account not only company profits but also environmental and social impacts. The economic, environmental, and social perspectives are increasingly interrelated and relevant for businesses.

Formats: Online and PDF

Suggested for: EMDC 644, ESDB 619

Visuals for Influence: In Project Management and Beyond

Bronte van der Hoorn (University of Southern Queensland)


Licence: CC BY-NC-SA

‘Visuals for influence: in project management and beyond’ is a practical guide with 24 visuals to download, adapt and deploy to engage your stakeholders. This practical guide will build your confidence and practical skills to quickly and effectively leverage the benefits of visuals to maximise your influence.

Formats: Online, PDF, EPUB

Suggested for: MGSC 205


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OER by Discipline Guide: Athabasca University Copyright © 2023 by Dan Cockcroft is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.