
Course codes and descriptions from the University of Ottawa course catalogue

Mélanie Brunet, OER by Discipline Guide: University of Ottawa (Version 1.0 – June 2021)CC BY 4.0

Existing OER guides (for suggestions and descriptions):

BCcampus, ADOPTION FINDER: Open Textbooks for and used in B.C. Post-Secondary Courses

BCcampus, OER by Discipline Directory, CC BY 4.0

Lauri M. Aesoph and Josie Gray (BCcampus), OER by Discipline Guide, CC BY 4.0

Joanne Kehoe and Olga Perkovic, OER by Discipline Guide: McMaster University, CC BY 4.0

Kelly Dermody, Ann Ludbrook, Nada Savicevic, Michelle Schwartz, Reece Steinberg, and Sally Wilson, Now is the Time for Open Educational Resources: A Guide to OER by Subjects Taught at Ryerson University, CC BY 4.0

Concordia University Library, OER by Discipline Resource Guide: Concordia University, CC BY 4.0


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OER by Discipline Guide: Athabasca University Copyright © 2023 by Dan Cockcroft is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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