H5P activities list

This book includes 14 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
2Identifying Key ConceptsMark the Words
3Searching for Concepts AccordionAccordion
4Searching for Concepts - Working MemoryMultiple Choice
7Searching for Concepts - SleepDrag the Words
8Combining Searches - Social Media and Self EsteemFill in the Blanks
9Combining Searches - Phobias and Exposure TherapyQuestion Set
10APA Style 4 QuestionsAccordion
11APA Citation Elements Article HotspotFind Multiple Hotspots
13APA Citation - sort citation elementsSort the Paragraphs
14Choosing a Research TopicMultiple Choice
15Searching for Concepts: StrokeMultiple Choice
16Limiting Search ResultsMultiple Choice
17Keywords for aphasia treatments in stroke patientsMultiple Choice
18Synonyms & related terms for treatmentsMultiple Choice