
Welcome to Library Research Skills for Psychology Students! This tutorial was designed for undergraduate students in psychology courses at the University of Alberta.

I’m Kara Blizzard, a librarian at the Augustana Campus Library. You are welcome to ask me questions about all kinds of things related to research and the library. Psychology students on North Campus can contact Virginia Pow for research assistance.

Learning Objectives

As a psychology student, a key part of your role is to find relevant information on the topics you are studying. In this tutorial you will learn how to:

  • Choose a topic and form a research question
  • Identify the pertinent concepts in your question
  • Find relevant articles using the database PsycINFO
  • Use citation chaining to help you find more articles
  • Cite your sources using APA style


I. Starting a Research Project

Research Topics & Questions

Identifying Key Concepts

II. Searching for Information

Where to Search

III. Using PsycINFO

Step 1: Searching for Concepts

Step 2: Combining Your Searches

Step 3: Limiting Search Results

Step 4: Viewing and Accessing Results

Step 5: Saving Your Search History

IV. Using Citations to Find More Sources

Using Citations to Find More Sources

V. Citing Your Sources

Using APA Style


How to Navigate This Tutorial

Use any of these options:

  • View the “Contents” menu in the top left to see each section and its chapters
  • Use the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard to move between chapters
  • Use the blue navigation buttons at the very bottom of your browser window to move between chapters

First, we will consider how to identify a research topic and turn it into a question.


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Library Research Skills for Psychology Students Copyright © 2021 by Augustana Campus Library is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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