Choosing a Research Topic & Key Terms

Module 3 Exercise: Choosing a Research Topic & Key Terms

Now that you have learned about choosing a research topic and identifying its key terms, you’re ready to complete the Module 3 Exercise, which asks you to identify your own research topic and its key terms.

When you click on the following Google Doc link, it will prompt you to make a copy. Then you can edit your copy and print it or upload it to eClass (or Canvas) to submit to your course instructor. Check with your instructor if you are unsure whether or how to submit it.

Module 3 Exercise: Choosing a Research Topic and Key Terms (Google Doc)


Next we’ll explore why it’s important to search for information.


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Library Research Skills for First Year Seminar Students Copyright © 2021 by Augustana Campus Library is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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