Statements of Best Practice
for 2SLGBTQ+ Inclusion
2SLGBTQ+ learners and staff are safe, welcomed, included, protected, and supported.
99. Program policies and practices ensure the safety of 2SLGBTQ+ learners and staff, and protect their rights and freedoms.
- Program policies and practices acknowledge that both learners and staff have the following rights and freedoms:
- To be addressed by the names/pronouns of their choice
- To privacy of information related to sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression
- To talk about and express their sexual orientation and gender identity (e.g., through choices in clothing, hair styles)
- To be free from discrimination, bullying, and harassment based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression
- To establish and join voluntary student organizations such as Gay-Straight Alliances (or Gender-Sexuality Alliances) and participate in events that foster 2SLGBTQ+ awareness
- To see themselves reflected in course content, posters, messaging, advertisements, etc.
- Program policies outline clear anti-bullying expectations and zero tolerance for violence and discrimination towards sexual and gender minorities.
- Instances of discrimination, bullying, and violence targeting 2SLGBTQ+ learners or staff are taken seriously, investigated, and dealt with according to clear processes.
- The program ensures the staff’s protection from discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.
- The program considers individuals from the 2SLGBTQ+ community in the hiring and promotion processes equally without bias.
- The program makes it safe for sexual and gender minority teachers to be as authentic/out/open as they wish to be.
100. The program develops and promotes a culture of respect and acceptance for learners and staff, with explicit reference to sexual and gender minorities.
- Program policies, course outlines, student guidebooks, and diversity statements include an explicit statement of welcome to all learners, including sexual- and gender-diverse learners.
- Program policies, course outlines, student guidebooks, and diversity statements demonstrate clear anti-bullying expectations and zero tolerance for violence and discrimination towards sexual and gender minorities.
- Forms, waivers, and other communications directed to learners are gender-neutral and avoid heteronormative or binary/cisnormative assumptions.
- There is a visible message of support leading to inclusion posted on websites and in hallways, information boards, designated walls, classrooms, etc.
- 2SLGBTQ+ learners have access to school facilities such as washrooms, locker rooms, and change rooms that align with their gender identity.
101. The program supports staff in their ongoing professional development related to 2SLGBTQ+ inclusion.
- Onboarding training includes an orientation to program expectations regarding inclusive culture and practices, with explicit reference to the rights, support, safety, and inclusion of 2SLGBTQ+ individuals.
- Workshops and training, offered by 2SLGBTQ+ individuals/support groups/educators, are provided that address some of the following:
- The history of the 2SLGBTQ+ community in Canada
- The equal rights and freedoms of 2SLGBTQ+ individuals in Canadian law
- Appropriate language to use
- Stories of 2SLGBTQ+ immigrant and refugee learners
- Promotion of self-awareness of one’s own assumptions and biases
- Promotion of empathy, perspective taking and nonjudgmental approaches to difference, especially with regard to the 2SLGBTQ+ community
- Increasing the capacity of educators to model and encourage the use of inclusive language, perspective taking, and nonjudgmental approaches to difference, etc.
- Identifying and presenting appropriate learning resources with 2SLGBTQ+ content
- Increasing the capacity of instructors to design learning materials and activities that address 2SLGBTQ+ content
- Providing support for 2SLGBTQ+ instructors to navigate their own approach to 2SLGBTQ+ inclusion
- Instructors are encouraged to collaborate with colleagues to explore ways to promote 2SLGBTQ+ allyship and to seek input and mentoring from willing 2SLGBTQ+ individuals.
- The program does not presume that their 2SLGBTQ+ staff represent the voice of all sexual and gender minorities; neither does it put undue burdens on their 2SLGBTQ+ staff to educate others.
102. Supports are provided for 2SLGBTQ+ learners.
- The program provides support to 2SLGBTQ+ learners or connects them with agencies that can provide that support (e.g., support groups, employment counselling, and immigration services).
- Services for 2SLGBTQ+ individuals are offered with full acceptance of sexual and gender diversity (i.e., without bias or judgment).
- Schools have a crisis response policy or clear processes to follow to address 2SLGBTQ+ learners’ concerns.
- The program supports 2SLGBTQ+ learners in efforts to initiate discussions of 2SLGBTQ+ topics and student-led initiatives, such as Gay–Straight Alliances (or Gender–Sexuality Alliances).
- The school community provides diverse and meaningful ways for 2SLGBTQ+ learners to participate in community-building activities, such as volunteering, advocacy opportunities, peer networks, and mentoring/being mentored.
103. Steps are taken to foster safety and ensure learners are welcomed and respected in the classroom, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.
- Instructors teach with the assumption that there are 2SLGBTQ+ learners in their classes who are not visible or out; that is, they recognize that some learners may never choose to be visible or out.
- Clear expectations are set out for respectful interactions and inclusion of all learners in the class, with explicit mention of sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.
- Homophobic and transphobic comments are confronted and addressed according to clear policies and guidelines.
- Instructors use and model appropriate and respectful language when referring to members of the 2SLGBTQ+ community.
- Instructors use language that includes everyone in the class, and they avoid language that assumes everyone in the class is straight or cisgender, for example:
- By using inclusive terms like “parents,” “grandparents,” “folks,” “couple,” “partner,” “students.”
- By stating and asking for preferred pronouns.
- By using the 3rd person singular “they” to avoid assumptions about gender.
- By replacing binary forms of address such as “Hello, ladies/gentlemen” with greetings such as “Hello, everyone.”
- Instructors avoid dividing learners into groups based on gender identity.
- Classroom activities that involve families and holidays (Family Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day) are undertaken in a way that welcomes and includes 2SLGBTQ+ learners and their families (i.e., heteronormative or binary expectations are avoided).
- Messages of support for 2SLGBTQ+ individuals are visible and explained in the classroom (e.g., rainbow sticker, trans flag or other symbols recognizing minority sexual and gender identities).
- 2SLGBTQ+ learners see themselves mirrored in the content and curriculum of the class; that is, 2SLGBTQ+ lives are apparent in visuals, examples, illustrations of families, activities, role-play options, etc.
104. 2SLGBTQ+ content is embedded in class content and curriculum.
- 2SLGBTQ+ equal rights are included in discussions about human rights and laws in Canada.
- Variations in gender identity, gender expression, and family are normalized and come up naturally in all areas of learning, for example:
- Relevant curriculum themes (health, employment rights, government, Canada’s history, family, education)
- Examples and illustrations of families, partners, marriages
- Activities (e.g., role-play options, reading/listening comprehension activities)
- Language skills and instruction (e.g., reading critically to identify stereotypes; editing a passage to make it more inclusive; a grammar lesson on inclusive pronouns)
- Materials that include 2SLGBTQ+ perspectives, histories, stories, and contributions to the community are incorporated into class content.
- Instructors take care to include stories of 2SLGBTQ+ success, so 2SLGBTQ+ students see aspirational representation, and other students do not associate 2SLGBTQ+ with only struggle and adversity.
- A wide spectrum of 2SLGBTQ+ identities are included to portray the vast diversity within the community.
105. Instruction includes learning activities which promote empathy and the ability to interact with 2SLGBTQ+ content and individuals in a respectful manner.
- Learners are exposed to and learn appropriate language to use when referring to members of the 2SLGBTQ+ community.
- 2SLGBTQ+ resource speakers/staff/students are invited to share their stories, challenges, and successes in life.
- An intersectional approach is taken, with a focus on the intersection of minority sexual orientations and gender identities with other marginalized identities (e.g., immigration, language status, ethnicity, race).
- Learners encounter 2SLGBTQ+ individuals, or stories of 2SLGBTQ+ individuals, with whom they can relate on other dimensions (e.g., 2SLGBTQ+ immigrants and refugees, students, parents, job seekers, members of a profession they wish to join, etc.).
- A safe and brave space is fostered and modelled where learners can share their stories, speak their truths, explore their own and other’s attitudes, and ask questions in an appropriate and respectful manner.
An inclusive acronym that refers to people who are Two Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender/Trans, Queer/Questioning. The plus sign signifies other sexual identities that are not captured by the acronym.
The LGBTQ acronym, and the language related to sexual and gender identity, are evolving. We chose this version of the LGBTQ acronym to acknowledge that Two Spirit identities existed here before European conceptions of gender and sexuality. (The University of Winnipeg, n.d.)
See the following glossaries for more detail on the sexual and gender identities described in the acronym:
PFLAG National Glossary of Terms:
Egale LGBTQI2S Glossary of Terms:
“Emotional, romantic, or sexual feelings towards other people or no people.”
PFLAG. (2021). PFLAG national glossary of terms.
“One’s innermost concept of self as male, female, a blend of both or neither – how individuals perceive themselves and what they call themselves. One's gender identity can be the same or different from their sex assigned at birth.”
The Human Rights Campaign. (n.d.). Glossary of terms.
“External appearance of one’s gender identity, usually expressed through behavior, clothing, body characteristics or voice, and which may or may not conform to socially defined behaviors and characteristics typically associated with being either masculine or feminine.”
The Human Rights Campaign. (n.d.). Glossary of terms.
“A general acronym used for any student-run and teacher-supported school-based club that works to create welcoming, caring, respectful and safe spaces for students of diverse genders and sexual orientations (LGBTQ2S+) and their allies in schools. GSAs are designed to provide a safe space that respects diversity and fosters a sense of belonging.”
Alberta GSA Network. (n.d.) What is a GSA/QSA?
“An approach to equality that advocates no acceptance of racism, disablism, homophobia, transphobia etc. including childhood name-calling.”
Rights Against INtolerance: Building an Open-minded World (RAINBOW). (n.d.). Study guide: RAINBOW educational toolkit.
A term used to refer to 2SLGBTQ+ populations (i.e., groups whose gender identities and/or sexual orientations and practice vary from those of the majority population).
Refers to nondiscriminatory use of language including pronouns, salutations or titles. It can also refer to neutrality of washrooms, colours, and occupations.
PFLAG. (2021). PFLAG national glossary of terms.
“The assumption that everyone is heterosexual and that heterosexuality is superior to all other sexualities. This includes the often implicitly held idea that heterosexuality is the norm and that other sexualities are ‘different’ or ‘abnormal’”
PFLAG. (2021). PFLAG national glossary of terms.
“Cisgender” refers to individuals who identify with the gender that was assigned to them at birth. Cisnormative is “the assumption that everyone is cisgender and that being cisgender is superior to all other genders. This includes the often implicitly held idea that being cisgender is the norm and that other genders are “different” or “abnormal” (PFLAG, 2021).
PFLAG. (2021). PFLAG national glossary of terms.
The attitudes and actions involved in being an ally. An ally is a person who “works to end oppression by supporting and advocating for people who are stigmatized, discriminated against, or treated unfairly” (GLSEN, 2016, p. 5).
In this context, an ally is one who speaks up and advocates for the rights of the 2SLGBTQ+ community and individuals; an ally is one who will “take a stand in places where it might not be safe for LGBT people to be out or visible” (GLSEN, 2016, p. 5).
GLSEN (2016). The safe space kit: Guide to being an ally to LGBT students.
“Homophobia: Animosity, hatred, or dislike of LGBTQ+ people that often manifests itself in the form of prejudice and bias.”
PFLAG. (2021). PFLAG national glossary of terms.
“Transphobia: Animosity, hatred, or dislike of trans and gender-expansive people that often manifests itself in the form of prejudice and bias.”
PFLAG. (2021). PFLAG national glossary of terms.
An approach that recognizes the “simultaneous and overlapping identities and experiences of privilege and oppression an individual may hold” (Canadian Commission for UNESCO, 2019, p. 10). For instance, connected and overlapping identities (related to race, religion, ethnicity, income, disability, etc.) can put 2SLGBTQ+ individuals at greater risk of oppression.
Canadian Commission for UNESCO. (2019). LGBTQ2+ inclusiveness: Toolkit for inclusive municipalities in Canada and beyond.
Protected from or free from harm/danger/loss, both in physical and virtual environments. This includes actual physical safety, as well as the sense/feeling of being safe.